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Nov 05, 2009 00:06

  • 01:16 RIP Claude Levi-Strauss #
  • 11:02 Your attempts to be objective are not very successful today be... More for Virgo #
  • 13:02 @ Miyabi_sama that's almost exactly like Cinci, only in Cinci the fashion is to wear leggings as pants with Uggs #
  • 13:03 time to get ready for my other 2 classes of the day, and work. So busy, at least I can take a break from making costumes for now. #
  • 14:12 @ Miyabi_sama at least they wear shorts. Girls down here don't even bother with that. #
  • 18:23 @ Miyabi_sama yeahhh I really don't want to see that. What's worse is when they're so fat to the point where their opaque leggins go seethru #
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