Jan 23, 2009 11:56
i could already start a list of bests and worsts of 2k9, but lets get 2k8 written down and out of the way first, shall we?
it took me so long to get to it, i thought about not even writing out a list of worsts, and just leaving it at the list of bests--those are the things i really want to remember, but i think there is some value in looking back on the bad times also
i'm proud of myself for living through them !
WORSTS of 2k8:
-the alice project--in january i thought the hardest thing i would do all year was build a caterpillar out of pool noodles
-in february, one of my students, this awesome girl who had a pixie haircut and wore a weebelos scarf and was wicked sweet and creative and liked against me, got in a car accident driving home from a lucero show, and died.
-in march, my mom had her left hip replaced. she was in the hospital for five days, and out of work for six weeks. she was (and still is) in pain all the time. i'm glad i have been able to be around to take care of her, but it is very hard.
-csf was awful. most stressful summer job ever. the work was grueling and constantly frustrating, and, to make matters worse, over the summer everything fell apart with max
-even though my life is in such a better place now, just thinking about this past summer makes me want to cry. i have never before felt as out of control of my emotions as i did then.
-seeing paul baribeau in a basement in boulder by myself, i felt the loneliest i have ever felt.
-had to leave colorado early because my mom couldn't walk anymore, had to come home and help her through her second surgery
-zach mice turned out to be a total jerkbody
-the doctor fucked up my mom's right hip so now her legs are uneven lengths and he wont even admit that he did it and she's in horrible pain all of the time, still.
-i can't make things okay for my mom.
-my brother was stationed in italy for four months, including Christmas. i am still constantly proud of him, and excited for him to have adventures, but i miss him and worry about him all the time
and i know 2k9 is going to be good...but it is going to be very hard, too.