25 Embarrassing, Disgusting, Weird Meme

Feb 04, 2012 13:39

Too many people do memes with the same stupid ole questions. I'm sure I'm not the only person out there with weird curiosities. So what if you were to tell someone what you do while you're sitting on the toilet, how often you bake bread, the last time you had a nosebleed, your favorite texture, etc? So who's got the balls to do this meme and tag five of their friends?

1.) I pee with the door open, pretty much everytime I go to the bathroom.

I have no shame about this whatso ever.

2.) I have an incredible fear of needles and razorblades. Sometimes, if I even see a razorblade that happens to be out on the bathroom counter, or in the shower I start to get extremely nervous. All I can imagine is it cutting into the delicate parts of me and the unending burning pain that will come with it.

I cried when I got my ears pierced from sheer stress. I still can't sit through getting blood drawn without going into full panic mode.

3.) I have a pimple fetish. I don't know how else to describe it. If I see someone with terrible acne, it takes ALL of my will-power not to ask them if I can pop it. It's disgusting, and I do try to actively work on it, but it's just something I think about alot. I get a huge amount of satisfaction by popping pimples, or watching someone else do it. I can watch MRSA extraction videos, cyst removals and look at photos of life-ruining acne, literally, for hours at a time!

...There go all of my friends, LOL

4.)Abnormal medical conditions (people with two mouths, born without torsos/legs/arms, fetus in fetu, covered in warts and growths, conjoined twins, born without skin...etc, etc) is one of my biggest and GREATEST interests. Even when it makes me scream with fear, I will never take my eyes off these types of things. I will take an entire day and do nothing but watch medical documentaries, look at pictures and research as much as I can about the most terrible afflictions known to man.
I love hospitals, (except when my immune system is low, or I'm visiting a sickly relative/friend) and watching the people going about their work in them.

5.)I love trying weird and exotic foods. I have no fears of eating, say...insects or fetuses. Little bones and such. Just not fish. No matter how hard I try to eat it, I just can't. I will never be able to stomach the texture and taste of fish. Even in sushi! When I eat sushi, I only eat vegetables and eggs.

6.) I am terrified of dying and of corpses. Any corpse. I will burst out in tears and fear will wash over me if I encounter a dead animal. I will -always- bring it home and bury it. Even while I'm crying and carrying it's body. I refuse to let anything lie alone in death. I also will not kill insects, UNLESS THEY ARE: ticks, earwigs or centipedes.
I can't attend funerals with open caskets without being emotionally scarred for the rest of my life. I have been to...five funerals. Three of them were open caskets. I have never been the same because of it. I WILL NOT MAKE EYE-CONTACT WITH A DECEASED PERSON.

I will not even look at their coffin.

I will avert my eyes to anything else in the room.

Just talking about it...mentioning it. Is making me incredibly ill.

7.) I am obsessed with animal bones and skulls. There is some distinction I make in my my mind between an animal who has died (fully intact) and random bones from their skeleton.

Anatomy fascinates and pleases me on a deep level. I study anatomy and physiology books whenever I get the chance...! The way the body works, in humans and in animals is not only beautiful and astounding, it's just miraculous!

I have many deer bones and skulls. Vertebrae are my favorite.

There's something about the shape.

8.) One of my biggest phobias is trypophobia.

And we're never talking about it again.

9.) I hate the taste of fresh, living blood. It makes me physically ill.

Cooked blood, say from an almost raw steak (I will only eat steak maybe, 2 times a year. It has to be literally...almost raw for me to eat it.) is delightful to me. It's salty and flavorful. It has none of the horrendous, metal taste of fresh blood.

10.) Sometimes I still want to eat my scabs.

11.) I have an obsession with the fictional character Hannibal Lecter. I have since I was about 11 and watched The Silence of the Lambs for the first time. I find him INCREDIBLY stimulating, beautiful and dangerous. It's like how I feel about Michael C Hall's interpretation of Dexter. They are so violently intelligent and virtuous, even when they commit the ultimate sin. One of my favorite books is Hannibal Rising. I've never loved Hannibal more than after reading that novel.

"I love you...!"

"What is left in you to love?"

Changed my life.

12.) I really like movies/novels about serial killers, even the ones I'm most afraid of, like John Wayne Gacy. Case in point, my all time favorite film is American Psycho.

No-one can ever top Patrick Bateman for me

"Feed me a kitten."

13.) I used to have an eating disorder, anorexia to be precise, and from the end of 2005-2007 I didn't even menstruate. It was that bad. During the 6 years that I lived like this, I believed that tiny, frail girls and boys were the most beautiful and innocent creatures on the planet. I truly believed that being nothing but insecurities and bones was the pinnacle of all things beautiful.

The irony of all of this is that by killing yourself with living this way, I was committing the most selfish and arrogant thing I have ever done in my life. It was as far from innocent as you could possibly go.

Since then, all of my priorities in life have changed. I find overly thin women to be extremely un-attractive and actually scary to me. It frightens me to see very thin people. It not only brings back the years of horror I lived and inflicted on everyone I knew, but just that there is nothing sexually pleasing about being thin to me.

When I was anorexic, sex scared me. It didn't just scare me, it hurt me emotionally. I would cry for hours afterward. That old "self" disgusts me.

I completely killed off that person. Like it was a parasite.

Now I find, plump, round voluptuous women the most DESIRABLE thing in the Universe...! Oh God. Just, the perfect softness. The comfort they have in their own, perfect, skin. Huge hips, ample breasts...! I can never stop thinking about the perfection of a woman's body.

People can change. We all can change. For the better, or for the worse. I always choose to change for the better.

14.)I really like to write. Not stories, just, about life. Philosophical and emotional diary entries, love letters and personal notes to my cherished ones. I like it a hell of a lot better than drawing, most of the time!

15.) I also love to sing. Like, amazingly so. Sometimes all I want to do is sing all my favorite songs, and dance around the house. Which I do on a regular basis, soooo....!

16.) Sometimes I wish I was a super self-confident morbidly obese person and just didn't care about my physical appearance (because I REALLY REALLY CARE ABOUT MY APPEARANCE. It's so important to me to look the way I feel on the inside: a princess) so I could eat all day long and just not care what it did to me. ....The ultimate dream! Or, you know, be like Lu's aunt who drinks soda and eats junk all day and weighs as much as a 12 year old boy. Either way, lol

17.) I think about my dream girl all the time. A perfect, wonderful succubus woman who drinks coffee, wears pajamas and is full of uncontrollable romance and desire. I want to will her into being.

18.)I used to really want a mohawk. I was actually going to shave off all my long hair and make a mowhawk out of it Senior Year, but I never did. I was also going to dread my hair, which I also, never did. I used to like to experiment with my hair. I've had pretty much every color, EXCEPT MY LUSTED AFTER LAVENDER. It will never happen...! Boooo. Oh well. I like it black. I'll keep it this way for probably 7 years, lol.

19.) I love the idea of being dominated over, lusted over and groomed by my beloved. Just the thought of being overpowered, or a beautiful woman taking advantage of me is just amazing. I want to be pined over by my lovers and I want to make them feel equally the same way.

20.)Fairy-kei and Decora Lolita are my new obsessions, even though I know I will never be able to pull them off, since I am extremely uncomfortable with not wearing high-heels. I am probably going to invent a new style of both of them, but with the color black and heels-involved. I can't help it...! Black tights and black heels are the only things I feel confident wearing. If I can wear those with an outfit, I will take over the world.

21.)I'm a Gryffindor! If I was ever to go to Hogwarts, there is just no other house I would belong to! I really really love Harry Potter. <3 Dumbledore is my most beloved character, pretty much, ever. He is the epitome of love and goodness - everything I strive to be.

22.)I love yuri hentai and hentai visual novels. The art is just -impeccable-. Not only is it sexually appealing, it's just -beautiful-.

23.) I believe in almost every mythical creature/person/character in all mythology. I think it's ludicrous to think that they didn't all exist, in some form, at some point in time. Especially unicorns. Hell, unicorn deer have been born in the last 10 years! How can we dismiss everything as fiction? That's a world I don't ever want to be a part of!

24.) I love watching people play video games. I truly believe that video games such as Metal Gear Solid, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Odin Sphere and the Valkyrie Profile games are some of the highest forms of art that exist in our World. These stories and characters have not only changed my perspective on life, but have shaped who I am and defined my life in a way, that would rival the way religion and spirituality have for others.

25.) There are not many people, or things in the World that I dislike. I love things that most people find repulsive or evil. Snakes, murderers, "freaks"...! Chris-chan

Everyone and everything needs love. I can be that person for you.
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