Aug 05, 2008 06:10
Can someone please tell me how you can wake up at 4am and still have insomnia at bedtime! What the fuck. I was up in bed til about 11. I know that doesn't sound so terrible but when you get up at 4:15 it SUCKS. I could have went back to bed but I didn't. I just got done working out and I've already birthday shopped for Julia on line. I got her Karaoke machine and a couple CD's. I'm going to go to the mall later and try to finish up. I'm really crunching everything in before I start work. This time next week I'll be dressed and ready to go with a heart going a mile a minute I'm sure.
I never did any mud work yesterday. The main walls in the basement are mudded and primed. I was thinking of getting the wall above the fireplace done before Julia's party. I really need to start that today. BLAHHG. I hate the sanding part! It's going to be hard to get that wall right and it has to look really good cause it's the main wall downstairs. I'll do my best I suppose. I'm sweating bullets as I sit here. It feels good though. My rings are flopping all around. I think I may need to get some of them resized at some point. My fingers are definitely shrinking with the rest of me.
More basketball and walking the track today. I hope the weather is cooperative. I think I'm going to stop in at work for a visit.
The weather is looking iffy for Thunder Island. Hopefully it will change over the next couple of days....