~This happened Saturday night~

Nov 22, 2004 16:05

*falls asleep*
Okay, so I'm sitting in one of my little "spots" on the "Dreaming", and suddenly a figure approaches. It's almost nothing more than pure light in human shape, with large green eyes and what appeared to be almost platinum blond short hair. So when she (I'm going to say "she" because that was the general apperance of the figure) approaches ((*note* I had barriers/ other defences up)) she walked right through my defences and strait up to me as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. I asked, "Who are you?", her reply was simply, "You know me. You are me and I am you. I am all and all is me." One word only escaped my lips. "Gaia." When I replyed she nodded yes and then I suddenly felt everything spin. When the spinning stopped I was floating in space and I gazed down on the planet below me. It was more beautiful than any photo I've ever seen. Maybe because I could see it glowing with life. I don't know. "That's you." I said to Gaia. "You're on the right path." Everything spins again and suddenly I see the universe. I feel the same energy, the same thing, see the same indescribable beauty, everywhere. I stood in awe, looking at it all, and Gaia asked, "What do you see?" My answer: "You." Her reply was, "You're almost there, but look again." The room spins and again stops. But this time I'm looking at a mirror. I look in the mirror and I see myself, but I also see everyone I've ever met, and every place of nature I've ever known. I hear Gaia's voice, "All you see in that mirror is me, everything." This was my reply, "I understand now, Gaia. Everything. Everyone and everything is part of you, and you are part of everything." I turned around and looked for Gaia, but she was no longer there. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I called out, suddenly feeling alone and scared. I heard Gaia's voice again, "Where I have always been and always will be, within everything." I concentrate and look inside my self, and I see part of that light, love, and beauty within. Then I'm back in my own little "spot", and I wake up.

Any opinions on my experience?
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