Yesterday was a bit odd. I worked from home so I could let in the second plumber-recommended by
midnightoak's boss-who had a quote to beat - £1500 for new boiler + £400 for new radiator. However, he immediately offered to take apart the boiler, and fixed it for £52.88 inc. VAT, thus rather endearing him to me. The house is now warm!¹
Unfortunately, possibly as a side effect from sitting in a cold house and drinking an unwise amount of coffee, I started to feel very wibbly indeed. I perked up after dinner, though, so come 7pm, I decided to christen my new
Ikea Clown Bike² with a journey to
benethyarr's for gaming. 11 minutes later, and after observing that the bike is rather low-geared, I arrived and distributed the booty with which I came. Then I sat down for ten minutes while my head swam disconcertingly. Deciding to cut my losses, I set out for home - (briefly touched the third out of six gears there, no lower, and it really isn't a shallow incline from Kirkstall to Wortley) making it back fairly quickly before collapsing in a boneless heap on the bed and snoozing for the rest of the evening.
I feel much better this morning, hayfever³ aside, so not sure what that was all about....
1. Well, not right now, it's on timer and we're out, but you know what I mean.
2. Not quite identical; Mine says IKEA on it in large yellow letters ;)
3. Ba*d trees and their reproductive attempts. BTFN!