Chapter 06 - Red

Jul 31, 2006 23:48

Title.: Corvus et Serenus
Artist.: Me, myself and I
Genre.: Slash, Chan, Shota-con, Yaoi, SMUT & WILD SEX with an underage. XD
Rating.: Wild
Pairing.: Lucius/Severus
Warning.: Lucius and Severus unite!
Summary.: Holidays and a huge Manor for Lucius and Severus hold the best ambiente for some smutty first-time action. *woot*
Language.: English
Word Count.: 4395
Author's Notes.: We do not know how they were as children, so Lucius might be a bit more of a romantic Soul deep inside, of course as a Malfoy he would not tell. :D
Don't laugh, if you find an error, tell me so I can change it, Please! No flaming please. Any decent comment would be appreciated though. Just so you know it, this was a pain in the arse Chapter. I am not happy about it! :(

Do not read if chan irks you!!!

Go here for Chapter 01 - Black

Lucius got an owl written by his mother in her soft, swift handwriting that told him they were going to Anam in Indochina over Christmas and Yule, and that she hoped Lucius wouldn't mind to stay alone at home with his presents. Also he would be able to invite a few friends as long as they would stay a 'few' and out of trouble, and the Manor would be whole on the day his father and she came back. Lucius had written back a small note of acknowledgment.

Later he wrote a 'serious' letter to Severus mother, that her son had some problems with understanding Transfigurations and Lucius being the Head-Boy would give him some lessons over the winter Holidays. When he got her answer he told Severus about it but the boy was furious with him and told him so with an indignant cry.:"How can you lie to my mother, I already do excel in every subject. And to be honest, that is something my mother would expect from me, how can you...?"

Lucius simply stated.:"Severus, we will have a splendid Time!", but the child would not answer. After some time he tried it again, "For me Severus?" "All right, but where will we stay? If I am not wrong, only sick or homeless children may stay and we are neither.", Lucius responded with a half-smile, "Oh we don't have to. The Manor is all mine for the next weeks. Only you, me and... well the house-elves. Put your belongings together this very evening, Severus. I have made preparations so we can leave tomorrow right in the morning. That is of course if you would come to my bedchambers at seven o'clock, please." Severus was flabbergast and even later while he was packing his trunk he could muster only one thought, how the bloody hell had Lucius gotten permission, that they could leave 48 hours before all else would with the Express?

The next morning saw a rather sleepy Severus and a slightly excited Lucius in the blondes bedchambers. A book used as a port-key brought them right into the foyer of Malfoy Manor where Lucius had to catch a moaning Severus who had his eyes shut tightly. "Never traveled by Port-key?", Lucius asked smiling slightly but he only got a slow shake of Severus' head as an answer.

After a few moments the boy opened his eyes, and his mouth in awe. The floor was made out of the darkest Serpentinit, the walls looked like the most noble mahagony and in the middle of the ceiling hang a heavy and huge Lustre made out of something that must have been Gold and purest, alabaster Marble.

While the front door of the Manor was carved wood Severus had never seen before. The handle of it was made out of rare grey-blue Jade, and Severus only knew that fact because his mother had a pair of earrings made out of it. He slowly turned a few times and took in the sight, it was plain beautiful. To his right and left were many doors and a few meters further there were stairs along the left wall leading upstairs while on the right the floor was half its previous width, which meant 'only' three full grown mans could walk side by side. At the far end Severus could see a broad double-door adorned with filligran carvings.

Lucius watched him intently, then gently touched his waist while elegantly and not too loud clearing his throat. Severus looked startled at him and said.:"If you wanted me to shut up for the whole holidays, Lucius. You did a great job!" The young man could only reply with a smile. Lucius shortly gave orders to two small house-elves before he took Severus by his hand and led him to his personal guest-chambers. It was a spacious room adjoining to Lucius' own chambers and both rooms were connected through a small sliding-door made of oak. The room was held in silver and rich, dark red tones. In the middle of the opposite wall was a canopied bed draped with curtains in even darker red.

Lucius engorged Severus trunk magically and indicated slowly to one direction after another while explaining.:"There at the right is your personal bathroom, on the left of your bed is a wardrobe. This sliding door you can use, if you want to enter my bedchamber. Please refresh yourself or rest while I need to make a few more preparations. If you need me please call for Linny, she will show you the way. Don't go on your own or you will probably get lost."

Without waiting for an answer Lucius left the room and Severus looked around helpless. To him it seemed as if it only would take thirty seconds before he would call out for the elf. Eventually he went to the bathroom. The walls and the floor were light red marble with dark red veins while all taps and fixtures were of gold. Was this similar to what his mother had given away when she went with his father? After he had taken in the sight for some time, Severus discarded his clothes and went into the shower cabin, and didn't know what to do. There was nothing besides two small, golden taps and four turnable, little fixtures.

"Severus?", he could hear Lucius ask and they boy immediately called for him back, "Lucius? I am here in the bathroom, but I don't know what to do and where...", Lucius opened the door of the cabin without asking and Severus went beat red, turning quickly to the wall, "Can't you just ask before opening the door?", his voice was accusing.

Lucius just laughed and purred.:"Oh mon amour, we shared a bath already a few times these past month, you even slept in my bed! What is there, that I haven't seen yet!?", when Severus didn't move or answer he just chuckled, "Sorry, Severus! The water will stream down from the ceiling when you... Look, I will just show you how. Wait a moment!"

Severus mouth stood agape, water from the ceiling? His mother was nutters, he wouldn't have given away this, not even for the most beautiful and ambitious Witch or Wizard in the world. Then he felt a hand brush against his back and Lucius took a shower with him like they had already done. The water would fall from the ceiling in a stream just like it would under a waterfall. One tap would give you douche-gel and the other shampoo in every fragrance you could think of, if you only called out for it.

Lucius could feel his body was already responding and he felt his cock harden but when Severus was turning towards him, he gripped him bruisingly by his shoulders and softly said.:"No. Don't!" He was too afraid of the boys reaction about seeing his arousal.

Later Lucius got out of the cabin as fast as possible and took a towel to wrap it around his hip and to hide his erection, then handed one to Severus who took it hesitantly. "Actually I came up here Severus to ask you for your favourite food for Dinner at seven." Back in Severus room Linny was waiting and Severus just looked at her with a thoughtful expression.:"Some rice would be nice, Lucius. If you don't mind that is, and you can choose the vegetables."

The young wizard turned to the elf and quietly commanded her.:"Linny we want Rice with Asparagus and some dark or wild meat for Dinner.", turning again to Severus he said, "And for dessert we would like chocolate pudding...", here he elegantly arched his thin eyebrow and Severus answered smiling,"...with vanilla sauce and maybe peppermint ice-cream." "And for now Linny serve us Tea in here with some biscuits.", Lucius told her, and turning again to Severus he spelled first the small boy's then his own hair dry.:"I am back in a few minutes, Severus."

Severus went to the wardrobe with some of his belongings but when he opened the door a soft female voice asked him what he wished. "I just want to put my clothes in here. Nothing else!", Severus said but the voice answered slightly put off, "But you cannot just do that. Look what I have got for you. A chemise in blood red and fine robes in burgundy. You have to wear them. You will look dashing, love!" Severus was about to protest when he felt Lucius put his hands at his waist an chuckling softly. The young man told him.:"You have to do it, or else she will lament for months, Severus! She will always know what looks good on you. Whatever occasion or mood you are in." The wardrobe send him the clothes floating to the bed and Severus got dressed just before a silver plate with hot steaming tea and chocolate covered biscuits arrived at the table in front of the wide bay window.

After that the day went on silent and rather amiably. Evening came to soon and before Severus knew, Lucius was taking him to the dining room. It was grand and beautiful like the rest of the Manor. But you could see it was decorated by a woman. Everything was set and done in all sorts of light yellows. They had taken Lunch on the Veranda so Severus saw the huge dining table for the first time. Lucius took back the chair at the right of the head and after Severus had taken his seat slowly pushed it back to the table. Then he seated himself at the head and with a soft sound the finest porcelain, golden dishes and embroidered, silken Napkins appeared in front of them.

Lucius took the bottle of dark, red wine and after tasting it first, poured them both a generous amount into their glasses. "Lucius I don't...", Severus started but was cut off by Lucius, "Don't you dare to give me that talk about being a child and such, Severus. Try it, it is one of our best. And if it is not to your liking, leave it. But drink slowly, wine is nothing to gulp down like water or butter-beer." Severus had to laugh at that and nodded. Just like Lucius had said it wasn't that bad and he rather liked the sweet undertone of it.

When they were done with everything, they took their desserts and the rest of the bottle to the small table in front of the turkish divan in the main parlour. Lucius was most delighted how Severus became slightly tipsy just from two glasses of wine. They fed each other with the pudding and ice-cream, talking and laughing for the most time. Night had fallen before they knew it and Severus was giggling in Lucius arms who in his turn was content with watching him.

Eventually Lucius saw those black eyes vanishing behind Severus closing eyelids. He could feel his erection again and chided himself for being so weak when it came to the child. Lucius got up and lifted Severus into his arms. Carrying the boy he went to his own bed-chambers instead of the guest-chambers. He softly lay Severus on his bed and undid his clothes, one after another.The burgundy robe and dark red chemise suited the boy well and mirrored the facettes on his face. Those hot red lips and the light red of his flushed cheeks, which were almost glowing against his pale face.

When Severus was only clothed in his small boxers Lucius last rational thoughts left him and he slowly showered the boy's belly with small kisses. His tongue dipping now and then into Severus' navel. Lucius afraid of waking the boy hesitantly kissed along Severus naked body until he was at his throat. Severus moaned and slightly spread his legs. So Lucius put his hand between the thighs, feeling the heat there. Kissing Severus neck again and again he was delighted how the boy was gasping in his sleep.

Lucius bit his neck lightly, moaning rather throaty. Spreading the boy's legs further he settled between them and opened the fly of his trouser, the ache now almost unbearable, and reached for his cock to free it from its confines. In an agonizingly slow rhythm of movements he pressed his cock against Severus still clothed groin.

Lucius was startled when Severus opened his eyes, looking pointedly at him. Those eyes boring into Lucius' own. "Severus. Let me explain...", there it was again, Lucius childish weakness. But the boy was so lovely, his small red lips parted slightly and Lucius could do nothing else than press his own lips against them in a fiery kiss. Only part of his mind was realizing what Severus did, when the boy put his arms around Lucius neck and opened his lips just a bit. Lucius felt as if he was in a dream, surely he must be. But when the boy moaned this time louder, Lucius thrust his tongue between them and got another encouraging moan from Severus.

After some time Lucius drew back, searching frustrated for his wand then with a swift motion he spelled both his and Severus remaining clothes away. But before he could say anything, Severus jaw dropped and his eyes got wide in maybe something close to shock or awe, Lucius was not sure. He leaned over the boy again and kissed his forehead, murmuring softly.:"Do you want me to stop? It's your decision, Severus! I promise.", Severus watched him a few more seconds, but instead of answering just kissed him clumsily on his throat, whispering.:"More!"

That was all Lucius needed to hear, in one swift move he had them turned so the boy was sitting in his lap and straddling him. He kissed Severus. Bending the boy forward, face to face. With one hand Lucius raised Severus' hips and guided his own cock to lie down between his thighs. Settling Severus back in his lap and moving him a bit, Lucius could feel his length being captured snug between those pert arse-cheeks. Leaning himself against the headboard of his bed, he embraced the boy and started rocking them both gently back and forth but Severus got heavy with sleep and Lucius stopped again. With softly whispered endearments and promises he told Severus to stay awake and 'help' him. But the the boy only lay his head on Lucius broader shoulders and did not answer. Lucius was filled with despair and could feel his cock turn flaccid rapidly. Sighing softly one last time and turning them both smooth on their side he went to sleep just like his Raven.

The next morning Severus saw an irritate and fully dressed Lucius sitting beside him on the huge, green bed. "Good morning", he smiled but got only a snort from the tall blonde. Breakfast was no exception, Lucius face was set like stone and his eyes cold, so Severus just played along as not to make it all worse, whatever it was that had set him up first. Maybe something had happened. He knew, he had woken up in Lucius bed with only a pyjama top that must have been Lucius'. And from the night before, he was drunk after a few glasses and there was a wonderful divan. They had laughed.. Had he done something dreadful? But what?

When both went through the gardens and grounds of Malfoy Manor Lucius would not talk. He just could not! He was very frustrated, because Lucius Malfoy always got what he wanted, naturally all would be to his liking and that as soon as possible. And last night he was so close to his heart's desire. Those red lips, he had tasted them. So soft, and that tongue, innocent and sweet. Like dew on an early spring morning flowing down from dark red, lush rose petals.

Lucius groaned inwardly as soon as he had realized they were already sitting at Lunch, when he had stopped his inner musings and laments. Then a bitter thought hit him. Why was he mad at Severus? Lucius was the one to try to seduce a child!!! So depravity ran in the Malfoy family after all, just like his Grandmother used to say.

Trying to mend what damage he possibly had caused with his behaviour Lucius started,"Severus, how...", but the boy flinched by his sudden spoken words and all Lucius could see next was a rather nasty looking gash on the boy's left hand and the light red blood flowing freely. "Oh, Severus. What have you done?", Lucius took the small hand and Severus hastily excused himself.:"I am sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the table-clothes."

Lucius shot him a look that could tell novels.:"Don't be childish. They are of no importance to me!" He softly wiped away the blood with his Napkin as if to emphasize his words by doing so. After pressing the wound he murmured a to Severus unknown spell, to heal the cut, then kissed the boy's hand. He could hear Severus catch his breath and knew right then and there, that his Raven was ready.

He went out of his chair and helped Severus up, then sweeping him into his arms he took out his wand and apparated them into his bed-chambers. Laughing he told a startled Severus.:"If father knew I apparate in the Manor, he would have my Guts for Dinner.", and added in his Mind -And my Genitals for Dessert, if he knew I lust for a little half-blood in my bed. A boy even.-

Severus clutched at Lucius strong arms and standing on his toes, barely reaching those thin, red lips kissed him. Lucius was shocked and triumphant in one. The child was kissing him out of his own accord and Lucius felt his body reacting. Dragging his Raven towards the bed, he deepened the kiss by slowly pushing his tongue between the full, red Lips.

Severus almost instantly parted them, to feel Lucius tongue invade, taste and devour him. Tasting purely of what must be Lucius. Though the feeling of being penetrated in such an intimate way was new to him, he liked it. Lucius settled them both in few and swift moves securely onto the bed. Not wanting to repeat last nights errors, he took off their clothes magically from the start.

This time Severus was scared inside. The friction of both their naked bodies promised something huge. Besides he did not know what would happen next. Surely they would not be able to do anything the natural way, Severus was not that dense. And Lucius was doing this enticing things with his tongue on his collarbones, belly and hips. It gave him a funny feeling but Severus loved that.

Lucius bit back a groan when he heard Severus moan and mewl, again and again. Didn't the boy know how beautiful he could sound? It was like music to his ears. One last kiss at his navel and Lucius went deeper to the small but erect penis. Slightly reddened, it stood almost out visually against his body's paleness. But before again all thought could leave Lucius, he got up and went to his bathroom. Just to come back a few moments later with a winning smile on his lips.:"This will make it all the more pleasurable for the both of us, Severus!" He held out a small silver pot in front of himself and the boy could do all but stare.

He nervously asked.:"What is that Lucius?", and Lucius sat beside him, never taking his hungry gaze from that beautiful body and answered.:"This will make it more comfortable for us to make love, if you want me to do it, that is." He could see the boy tremble slightly and added with a touch of disappointment which he could not hide in his voice.:"But we don't have to, if you are not ready." but Severus could hear it out and kissed him, touching his hand on the pot with his own.

Lucius smiled a sincere smile and kissed him back, putting it on the left pillow he settled Severus on the right side of the bed. Again he slowly kissed a trail down Severus body. This time he kissed the tip of the cock and gave it a tentative lick. A small thing so many girls had done to him. Lucius knew all about girls but boys, that was something else. Only after he had found out of his attraction towards small Severus, Lucius had searched frantically for hours in the, to him, restricted area of the Manor's library.

He now knew everything in theory, but practically he was a virgin. Lucius chuckled at that thought and kissed once again the cock, only to draw apart the legs as far as possible, kissing the insides of both thighs. He could smell Severus, but the scent was not musky like that of a grown man. He smelled sweeter. Lucius took his penis in his hands so he could lick the underside, just like he loved it himself. And Severus was moaning again, although more high pitched this time. So Lucius squeezed his balls slightly with his other hand.

Severus felt very funny, it couldn't be normal. This had to be dark magic, nothing else could feel this way. Then he gave out a startled gasp, because Lucius had taken his cock inside his wet and so absolutely hot mouth. And doing very intense things with his tongue, he made Severus shiver. When he started suckling it, Severus panted as if he was going to die from a fire inside him. But all to soon it ended and when he opened his eyes again Lucius was on eye level with him. "I cannot wait anymore Severus. Please, can I...", but no more words were needed. Severus kissed him and not watching his hands took the silver pot, handing it Lucius.

Lucius opened the lit and inhaled deeply. Almond and Vanilla invaded his senses and he dipped his fingers right into the ointment. While his lips were searching for Severus', his forefinger searched for the small and wrinkled place right behind those tight, hairless sacs. Slowly circling there a few times, he kissed Severus neck and moaned, when those thin legs spread further in an impossible way.

The moment he thought Severus was relaxed enough, Lucius pushed the finger inside slowly. Feeling the boy's inner walls spasm around the digit and eventually give in. "Relax Severus. I won't hurt you... not intentionally..." Pulling his finger out he watched Severus' eyes go wide, so he pushed in again, this time right to the hilt. Kissing along Severus' neck and murmuring encouragements to him. While he would move inside, adding one finger at a time. Lucius would also stop fully sometimes, so Severus could accommodate of being filled.

It was like heaven. And when Lucius finally pulled out his fingers his own penis was aching with need and leaking with precum. "It could become uncomfortable at first Severus.", he informed the boy and Severus circled Lucius neck with his arms. Lucius took hold on his hard shaft, coating it liberally, then he guided it to its destination. Inching it slowly into the almost unbearable heat, he couldn't hold back anymore. Moaning softly he panted the boy's name out and closed his eyes. Willing himself to stay still, lest he come right then.

As he kissed Severus cheek, Lucius was shocked to taste salty tears on them. "Does it hurt badly, Severus? Do you want me to stop?", he asked. But Severus only put his legs around Lucius waist, taking him in deeper. So Lucius started to rock and pull out slowly. Driving back in, he once again felt the tightness and soon lost himself in the sensation.

Severus had known it would be hard, but this? The ache was so deep, and he felt as if he would die. Lucius was ripping him in pieces, whenever he pulled out. Like his guts would follow that minute. But he couldn't tell. Lucius was so happy to do this to him. How could he destroy this by sniveling and crying. Severus was about to scream for Lucius to stop, when the burning became to much. But Lucius had somehow turned slightly and the next time he drove in and out, he scraped at a spot deep inside Severus and it felt amazing.

Lucius saw the pained expression vanish on Severus lovely face and knew he had touched him at his sweet spot. The boy even started to encourage him to become faster, by moving against him and rocking his hips. Lucius took hold on Severus cock and stroked it with his movements which in turn made Severus very vocal and loud. Lucius went faster and slammed harder every time he pushed back inside.

All to soon Severus could feel his body go rigid and the heat pooling in his stomach and groin become harder to ignore. He held tight on Lucius shoulders and whispered softly his demands and a change of rhythm, all while whimpering at the feeling Lucius caused inside him. So the moaning and sighing began to ring louder in the air.

Lucius could feel himself nearing completion and Severus channel became more tight. The boy was panting harsh and as his his spasms began to squeeze Lucius cock, he stroked him faster, causing Severus to close his eyes and to arch his back as he came in a dry orgasm. Lucius moved a few more times, then held himself tight so he wouldn't crush the boy, all the while filling him and riding out the passion on his beautiful treasure. Whispering gently, "Severus.", over and over again.

The next time Severus opened his eyes, he lay on his side, Lucius spooning him from behind. Arms around Severus waist, he was sleeping, breathing deep and even. Though moving did hurt, Severus somehow managed to turn in Lucius arms. Then he settled his head comfortably at the crook of Lucius neck. Before he knew it, he was asleep again.

red, story, lucius, severus

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