cas is back in town

Dec 04, 2013 22:05

Yep. Zeke's not Zeke. The biggest non-surprise. I rather love that Sam is possessed by an outcast angel. Our broken boy possessed by the angel who dropped the ball on Eden. Because he needs more help with his self-worth.

I enjoy Metatron's plan for heaven. No dumb or unfunny angels. That sounds good. Also enjoy Cas' attempts at prayer.

So Gadriel did go in as Dean. Which I knew, I just preferred to think that wasn't it.

So is Kevin really going to be dead? I don't like that. Poor Sam. Gadriel did do a good job playing him, but then I think they live in a similar head space. Yes Dean. This is what happens when you lie to your brother. You lose more of your makeshift family. At least it looks like we'll get Sam back soon, just a bit of torture first. Oh Sam.


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