Still no word on the Cataloging class grade. Grrrr. Oh, well, for a few more hours at least, I'll have a 4.0 GPA. Heh.
I talked to the Dean today about a scheduling conflict I have with some classes I want to take. See, UNC offers this one Preservation class this fall, and I want to take it. Except Central also has this rule about having to take at least 6 hours at Central (my school) during the semester I take classes at another school. Which is okay, except I have already enrolled at State for their Archiving class this fall, and Central tells me that 9 hours is a full load in Grad school. I was sort of hoping the Dean could get the 6 hours on campus thing waived, but no such luck. Instead, she'll be happy to let me take 12 hours. Whee! I mean, I am the one that suggested it, and I laughed and said "And I don't offer that lightly!" But you know what, in some ways it'll be easier, because I'll just have a higher proportion of my time allocated to school, and I think it'll help me focus. Part of the trouble I had this semester was keeping my mind on school, because there wasn't really enough to keep me busy until a paper came due or something like that. Sounds ridiculous, I guess. Anyway, I'm glad I can take the class at UNC-- and the J half of
zihuatanejo will be in that class, too! Now that will be fun. Me and my 'prentice in school together! Yeay!
I'm heading to KY tomorrow (Friday) and will be driving back next Wed. That is the best balance I could come up with between enough time to make the 'rents feel like I was there a good long time and not so long I am ready to kill, or scream, or both at once. I'm taking my laptop and wireless so I can go to the local coffeeshop to check email and get a good cuppa, and feel connected to the world. I've also got my class notes for both classes I'm teaching at Heralds and Scribes on there, so I can work on the handouts while I'm there, too. We'll also be going to Barbourville to work on Aunt Susan's house at least one day. Joy, oh, joy. Every time I talk to Mother she tells me how much work it's been and it does sound like it's been really rough on them. I mean, they're 85 and 86, and B'ville is 100 miles away, and they drive down for the day about once a week. Even the drive alone alone is hard on them, but then when they are there they are working on sorting a house full of stuff. It's maybe 2,000 SF, and it is Full of Stuff. Mother keeps asking me do I want them to keep this or that for me, and this week I finally told her that my apartment is starting to look like Aunt Susan's house. She laughed, but I guarandamntee you that she'll have LOTS of stuff that I'll have to say, no, I don't need it. An awful lot of it is brand new stuff that Aunt S barely used; she was apparently a serial shopaholic of the take-no-prisoners variety.
I was at Livia's tonight and was looking at some of her work, and it made me downright homesick--to do calligraphy, of all things. That damn stuff has snuck up on me, and I've gotten to like it when I wasn't looking. Me, the illuminator. Hooked on calligraphy.
Oh, and on the drive to Durham tonight I started listening to Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, which I checked out of the library for the trip to KY. I got several books on the theory that when I get in the car I never know what I'll be in the mood to listen to, so I just get lots of stuff. Anyway, I'm liking it a lot. I think we're just getting to the Neil Gaiman part, if you know what I mean. The weird thing is that the reader has a pronounced British accent, which is quite lovely, except when he's supposed to be sounding like a southern lady. At least I thought that's what she was supposed to be, living in Florida and all, but I'm starting to think maybe she's really supposed to be West Indian instead of the actor just not being able to do a southern accent at all. It's a bit distracting.
Well, I'm outta here for the night. Gotta lotta packing and stuff to do tomorrow. I hate doing that stuff at night; I just get all wound up and can't go to sleep till late, and I'm tired and can't make the simplest decision about what to pack, even. So, off to bed now, and I'll pack tomorrow.