There are contractors working in the front hall, attaching drywall over the plaster. I suppose this will look better when it's done, but I didn't have a serious problem with the shabby chic of the peeling plaster. There been a few half-hearted motions in the direction of repainting, but this will be much more comprehensive and will provide a smoother finish. However, they have been drilling for what seems like days now, and the kitties are most decidedly unhappy with the racket. I'm not too thrilled myself, being of the mind that dental work is of the devil and is entirely suitable for torture, and drills (unless I'm the one wielding them) sound entirely too much like dental drilling to be borne without complaint. I have been biting the insides of my cheeks to stop the sympathetic vibrations; the cats have all been showing agitation by jumping at every noise, slinking everywhere and hiding in any little corner or cubbyhole they can find. Every now and then I look up from my reading to see a cat staring besechingly at me, as if I could make it stop if only I were willing to stop torturing them.
I'm preparing to leave them to their own protective devices, however, since the student library association is sponsoring a trip to the NC Art Museum's library this afternoon, and after that I'm having sushi with
zihuatenejo to celebrate her completion of her comprehensive exam. Woot! for finishing comps. And Woot! for visiting the Art Museum library. Now if they were only hiring... Heh.