Jun 13, 2005 22:26
I had the most wonderful entry written up (Of course-they’re always wonderful after they’re gone, aren’t they?) but my graphics tablet locked up my computer and the whole entry is gone. Now this I don’t understand, because Word is supposed to back up my deathless prose every what- 10 minutes? And believe me, it took me way longer than that to write. And I even shut the computer down at least once during the day and when I booted it back up, the entry was there. But tonight, it’s all gone. It’s enough to make me whine in frustration. Oh, wait, I’m already doing that. Sigh.
I have some big news: I am taking Livia da Torta as an apprentice on Saturday at Midsummer Twilight Tourney. Whee! The ceremony will be at 4:45 at my pavilion; its exact location is yet to be determined. (You’re invited, of course. (Insert visions of non-SCAdians trekking in from Australia to see what the hell I’m talking about…)) We’re both pretty excited. We’ve been working together for a few months now, so this is just one step up. It’s interesting-when I was looking at the class schedule for Pennsic I found myself considering whether the class would be something that would be helpful for me to be able to teach Livia. Oh, this is exciting. We’re getting together tomorrow night to work out ceremony details, among other things. I have no idea what I’m doing, since she’s my first apprentice, but then she’ never done this before either, so I guess we’ll figure it out together.
And on to other matters: I am reluctant to get too excited, but I only had to pitch Miranda out of bed twice last night and the night before to make the point that she shouldn’t wake me up for loving in the middle of the night. Gee, wouldn’t that sentence be a lot more fun if I weren’t talking about a kitten? snork Especially since I’m a girl, too... now that’d be something you didn’t know about me. Way to start a rumour!
On that titillating note, I’m calling it a night. I’ve been fighting a migraine all day, and have worked two volunteer shifts and done laundry besides. I’m fried. I’m going to crawl into bed with Miranda. And Carmen. And Molly. Heh.