Lucy Update (fic! Florida! Characters I Have Strong FEELS About!)

May 20, 2012 13:47

1. So I just spent a full week reteaching myself computer information systems and web scripting after the drama of the move wrecked my college, right? And I succeeded (my teacher says he anticipates a huge recovery in my grade from all my catch-up work) for all intents and purposes.

Basically, Saturday was the first day in three solid weeks that I had to myself. No obligations, no moving, nothing to worry about for 24 hours.

So obviously my period decides to arrive that morning and incapacitate me for the duration.

My luck, guys. My fucking luck.

2. I HAVE DISCOVERED JOHN GREEN'S CRASH COURSE: WORLD HISTORY SERIES. oh my gooooood this shit is fascinating as fuck and hilarious and Green's enthusiasm for history makes it VERY easy to learn. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT ABOUT SNAILS! TELL ME MORE, JOHN GREEN! /chinhands

3. I realized yesterday that I haven't visited LJ to do anything but reply to comments in months. So it's gone from my bookmark bar. Do folks still use LJ? Whyyyyy. Come to DW, it's better in pretty much every way.

4. I am excited for Elementary and the next person to claim they are ripping off BBC Sherlock will be fed to a lion. This summarizes my feelings on the matter well:

A tweet by user peasantings saying "I'm really glad Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came back from the grave, and told Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat 'worry about my brand.'"

Moffat, shut your mouth and go ruin some more female characters or whatever it is you do in your free time.

5. So. Fic. I'm settled in Florida and despite the fact I fucking hate being here and everything about this fucking state (ask my about my grandmother's racism sometime), I am slowly getting back into the swing of writing again. I have a shortish one-shot Dresden fic that is half Binz's fault and half thisfishflies's fault about Harry wearing nail polish.

(Actually it's mostly Binz's fault because if you get her talking about Harry's idealization of femininity, she will give you Ideas about Harry embracing parts of himself he feels he's not allowed to and you will get Feels and it will suck, but seriously, if Binz wants to talk at you about this, let her, it's fascinating and full of feels.)

(Also, the fic is called Hand Jobs, WHICH I WANT TO ESTABLISH WAS BINZ'S IDEA. NOT MINE.)

So that'll eventually get posted. Then it's time for some fucking Matter of Chicago renewal, aaaaw yeeeeah.

6. 100% unrelated to Dresden, I have been slowly writing a Dragon Age: Origins fic that's pretty much me dealing with the game's lack of dealing with issues of anti-elf racism and the fact the City Elf origin revolves around rape and sexual assault. It's not grimdark, but it's pretty serious. Totally unbeta'ed though. For the curious: oh, bring me a love that can sweeten a sword.

7. I don't believe in uppercased letters in titles okay? okay.

8. So on Tumblr for some inexplicable reason there has been a random renaissance of The 10th Kingdom, a miniseries you probably never heard of but it was amazing, okay? It was a post-modern twist on fairy tales and had some really stellar writing and some of the most interesting characters ever. And this 10K renaissance reminded me of my love for the protagonist, Virginia Lewis, and that in turn made me think about the Characters I Have Loved. I came up with four, and I'm going to briefly share them with you under the cut.

Just need to figure out who's on it.

1. Fitzgerald Michael Kreiner (Doctor Who), the greatest companion you've never heard of. Bisexual leather-loving guitar-playing clone-of-a-clone-of-a-clone who's own personal timeline is so fucked it can only be described as It's Complicated. The proto-Rory, but a million times better than anything Moffat could dream of doing. A man who, given every shitty, horrific, depressing thing that's ever happened to him, should be the most angry sullen person in the universe (the Doctor included), but.... isn't. Who still loves and just tries to make the world(s) a better place. (Icon on the DW-side of this entry is something Fitz has actually done. His life is amazing.)

ETA: Why Fitz Kreiner is the Greatest DW Companion You've Never Heard Of.

2. Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena), the one who "leaves me feeling as though someone peered into my dreams and heart and created something that, not to sound ridiculous I hope, resonates with me on a level so deep that it actually kind of scares me." The girl who wanted to be a prince. The girl who was a prince.

3. Virginia Lewis (The 10th Kingdom), the one that is my patronus. Like, god. Virginia. I get you. You get me. We're it-getters. I love her strength and her vulnerability and how the latter is never more than the former. Discussed more here.

Amazing art by reality-ajar

4. Garrus Vakarian (esp. with my Adelaide Shepard, yep) (Mass Effect), the one who I could write sonnets for. Garrus, the brash cowboy cop. Archangel, the tired vigilante two steps away from giving into his own furious anger. Garrus. Fucking. Vakarian, the right hand to Shepard and thus the second best hope for the universe. Best written romance of all time. OF ALL TIME. YEAH, I SAID IT.

10. Hey, anyone have any advice on getting cheap airplane flights? Or maybe have some coupon codes lying around? Just wondering.

Originally posted at DW. Comment here or there. DW comments:

shut the fuck up lucy no one cares, lists, lj is kind of terrible, fic, dresden omfg, holy shit i'm actually in college now, games

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