The Video Game Sexism Bingo Card!

Nov 03, 2011 18:36

fireholly has made something that will be relevant to your interests if you are a video gamer.

[IMAGE: A bingo square for sexism in video games wank. LONG list of squares under the cut, but worth reading.]

  • But men are all super-buff, they're sexually objectified too!
  • But it's not FOR women. If they can't deal with it, they shouldn't be here.
  • She might play games, but she's not a REAL gamer, she's just attention whoring.
  • Chainmail bikinis are unrealistic, but's not realistic for a woman to be fighting anyway.
  • YOU'RE the one who hates women - you're saying they can't be both sexy AND tough.

  • But they call her a 'bitch' because they're the bad guys.
  • No-one gives a shit about this sexism stuff, I'm just here for the review scores.
  • I am a feminist and love women because they are inherently too nurturing and responsible to play video games.
  • The only reason a guy could have to care about sexism is so women will think he's sensitive and want to fuck him.
  • But we have equality, there are nonsexualised female characters, like... Samus except when she takes off her Suit...

  • But there are sexualised male characters, like... uh, Marcus Fenix is sexy, right? I don't know, I'm not a fag.
  • Men want to WATCH desirable women and women want to BE desirable women, so no-one wants sexy male characters except gay guys.
  • GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SANDWICH (note, this is the free space)
  • There are women who get their genitals ritually mutilated and you're complaining about video game boobies?
  • So you think all female characters should be ugly and dress in burqas.

  • Girl who likes video games? You only have interests because you're not thin enough to have a real boyfriend.
  • Yeah, the story, dialogue and character design is all sexist, but everyone can enjoy the amazing gameplay.
  • As a woman, it doesn't bother me, so no-one else is allowed to be bothered.
  • Why should I care about this so-called 'unfair' depiction of women when women have more rights than men nowadays and feminists are trying to destroy capitalism?
  • But trash talk is normal on XBL. Women are just too sensitive to rape threats and feigned masturbation.

  • How can it be sexist when women in REAL history were their husband's property? How can it be sexist when women in REAL life are weaker and wear less clothing than men?
  • If you didn't want attention for being a girl you wouldn't be using a female name in your tag or speak with a female voice.
  • Everyone knows 'sex sells', and the developers are just making things they think will sell.
  • But I've suffered oppression too, as a black/ poor/ gay/ nerdy/ girlfriendless MAN! What about my feelings?
  • It's just a game. No-one cares.

Originally posted at DW. Comment here or there. DW comments:


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