Wherein I do a lot of Conversational Troping

May 19, 2011 17:02

okay okay fine, I'm starting to finish up the megachapter of MoC. But in the meantime, I've been compiling the surprisingly numerous fills I've down for the kinkmeme over here. It's only two so far, but I'll be adding whenever I have a half hour to kill. And I finished that mute!Harry fill mentioned in my last entry if anyone's interested.

So does anyone else get stuck doing dishes and start staging TV shows in their minds? Or is that just me?

I keep wanting to do a show that's basically The Dresden Files with the serial numbers filed off. Except not really because I'd expand it and cut out some of the shit I hate about the books and there would be more gay.

It'd be set in a major city-- not Chicago, too obvious, maybe Seattle, that'd fit the tone more and it's a city I want to research like I do Chicago. If not there, then maybe Vancouver to be meta about things.

The protagonist would be an expy of the Archive-- a wizard who doesn't do much magic on his own but is charged with being an eternal scholar. He's meant to spend his entire life learning and refining magical knowledge and be a source of information for the world community of wizards. He has no innate knowledge like the Archive, but he serves the same purpose. Since the more people who know a ritual, the less it works, powerful magic doesn't get written down a lot. People like him, who I think should just be called Scholars, keep track of magic. He's allowed to use magic in his mental database as he wishes, but is never allowed to share specifics unless called on by [Insert AU!Name for the White Council Here].

I'd like him to be played by a post-SPN Misha Collins. Not just because Misha is a very enjoyable person, but I think he can carry the air I'd want, pensive, analytical, distant, but undoubtedly powerful.

And I wouldn't even make him do The Voice anymore.

Sadly, I can't think of a name for this character. I have this half-baked idea that he's Al, short for Alistair. He works for the magical mortal governing body, but in the same way a librarian works for Congress-- they sign his paychecks and give him basic regulations for doing his job, but Alistair's just as happy to be left alone to continue his research. He's practically a hermit-- not anti-social or misanthropic, but never really seeking out people's company.

Our actual private investigator would be played by Tracie Thoms, because I loved her in Rent and Death Proof and I have a tiny crush on her.

The detective I have yet to think up a name for. She's a Properly Paranoid character who is completely convinced about the existence of magic after being caught up in some kooky circumstances when she was younger. Instead of finishing her medical degree and taking over her family's practice, she dropped out, got her license, and investigates the paranormal and supernatural.

She met Alistair when she was still going to be a doctor. A patient at her family's practice turned out to be a demon that Alistair showed up to get rid of. Ever since, she's dogged him to try to make him more involved in the mortal world he resides in. If Alistair is the Superego, she is the Ego, all about balance and the mediums. She's one of the only people Al could call a "friend" though sometimes it's deliberately unclear if she's using him or genuinely likes him.

And the Id in the equation is the Kincaid-Marcone amalgamation. Mackenzie, bastard son of the Lord of the Hunt and a human, he works as a mercenary. He's introduced early on by saving Alistair's life. By doing so, he has a Scholar in his debt, which is strictly against the not-White Council's rules. But whenever Alistair tries to pay off his debt, Kenzie won't let him.

Kenzie himself is all about grey morality. He's a friendly sniper, a cheerful assassin, and has no problems doing the dirty work for being mortal and immortal alike. In his reasoning, he's just a tool used by genuinely evil people. He's a means, not a start or an end. And for him, that's fine. He has little remorse.

Kenzie makes Alistair his favorite hobby. He helps out, he flirts, he just makes a nuisance of himself. He never gives a straight answer on why he won't let Al return the favor he's owed. He's a hedonist who likes playing with the Scholar. Except maybe he has deeper motives, bum bum baaaaah.

So I have a whole show starting to form in my head. Basically a spin-off of TDF. I love Harry, but you know there's gotta be other interesting people in that 'verse. I could never write it because Butcher could likely sue my ass.

But it's fun to think about.

I have no idea why I decided to share all this. I'm never going to write it. It's just daydreaming to fill empty time doing chores and such.

Excuse me I gotta get back to MoC now.

Originally posted at DW. Comment here or there. DW comments:

original stuff, blah blah blah blah, rambling

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