Okay so the Dresden Files kinkmeme has broken 3700 comments, and it has some real gems in there, so while I'm sitting here waiting for my Excedrin to kick in, I'm going to rec stuff and list what I've done and prompts that should be filled.
Awesome Stuff You Should Read:
- Wager, the Academic AU, is a brilliantly realized fill with Harry as an atheist religions professor and Marcone as a relativist philosophy professor. Hendricks and Murphy as the grad students are awesome squires to their respective professors. So much love for this one, it's genius.
- Only a Fine Line Between Love and Hate, Marcone/Murphy hotness. It's the second fill (the first was me testing voices, actually), and it's very, very hot with a kind of hilarious twist ending. John Marcone: Kind of a pimp.
- Mafia Marcone, a pre-slash/gen fic in which Harry and Marcone met before Marcone took over the mafia. The progression from John to Gentleman Johnnie is amazing and poignant and kind of heartbreaking.
- What we can afford, lovely, adorable, sweet Marcone+Ivy friendship.
- Black Magic Woman, crossdressing!magician!Dresden. No, really. It's genius and as a bonus, following the fic a massive discussion broke out regarding Harry Dresden and his Capital-I Issues about sex, gender, et al. It was really fascinating and definitely worth a read. Excellent meta going on in here.
- Don't remember, therefore there is nothing to remember, triggery for child abuse/rape, but a very disturbing, well-done look at a possible event before Harry's enthrallment. Because, yanno, we don't want to kill Justin DuMorne hard enough yet.
- Poor Hendricks, wherein Hendricks is so long-suffering and his life just isn't fair. grenegome gives the best Hendricks in the fandom and I'm likely going to rec her stuff all over the place.
- Two hot as hell femmeslash fills, female!Dresden/female!Marcone. :brain melts:
- Advice!Hendricks. Because Marcone is always an awesome boyfriend in fanfic. How? Hendricks is giving him tips. grenegome is my favorite.
- Margaret Dresden/The Leanansidhe. Gorgeous prose, seriously. And the Wonder Beta has me convinced Margaret/Lea happened, so double yay for me.
- Harry/Murphy, blowjobs. Because of course Harry would be deeply uncomfortable asking a woman for one and clearly Murphy needs to school Harry on his Issues. grenegome, srsly, stop being so great. It's not fair.
- MORE HENDRICKS BEING AWESOME. Accidental voyeurism is the name of the game, but the game also has Gard being hilarious and win incarnate. Another by the Wonder Beta. DAMMIT WOMAN. YOU ARE, LIKE, A THIRD OF THIS LIST.
- Things Harry Dresden is No Longer Allowed to Do in RP. Fucking. Hilarious. 20. 'Soulgaze' is not considered part of a search check. Also, 54. In spite of survival rate in real life so far, I am not permitted to skip dice rolls when leaping from moving vehicles of any kind.
- Fill in which Marcone finds Harry after he's run away from DuMorne. Just started, but so far very promising.
Fills that shall give you shiny new pairings to ship, bless them:
- Voyeur!Marcone, Dresden/Hendricks. You didn't know you needed this in your life until now, amirite?
- The fics that started the whole Rahm thing (Marcone/Rahm), because now apparently Rahm Emmanuel is a Dresdenverse character. And those who already know about this nine-and-a-half-fingered, knife-wielding ballerina-politician will not be at all surprised to hear Rahmbo fits into the Dresdenverse beautifully. Butcher wishes he could write someone so batshit insane/awesome.
- The undisputed king, 6 Winter Nights. Oh. My. God. Mab/Harry. Mac/Harry. Hendricks/Harry/Gard. This is the launcher of, well, not a thousand ships, but I'm certain this authoranon could do that if they wanted. I mean, fuck, I now ship Mac/Harry. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Oh, right, this author is brilliant. Read this. I'm serious.
- OH MY GOD DONAR VADDERUNG/JOHN MARCONE, YOU ALL NOW SHIP THIS, DO NOT EVEN LIE. JFC. HELLO NEW OTP. (And, show of hands, who else thinks it's very fitting that it literally takes a Physical God to make Marcone lose it?)
- ... like a house on fire, Dresden/Tony Fucking Stark. Mmhm, oh yeah.
If you read nothing else of this kinkmeme, read this:
Take Two and Call Me in the Morning series. Insightful, hot as blazes, and the best fill of the meme.
- Part One, strip poker, Dresden/Marcone/Kincaid. In which Harry is the spoils of a poker game.
- Part Two, double penetration, Dresden/Marcone/Kincaid. In which Kincaid has to deal with the collective crazy of Dresden and Marcone.
- Part Three, fight to fuck, Dresden/Kincaid, Dresden/Marcone. In which Marcone is a scary motherfucker, but Dresden and Marcone probably deserve each other.
- Part Four, knifeplay, Dresden/Marcone. Except it's not about that at all. This entire series is basically making very astute observations about how fucked up yet functional Dresden/Marcone is using various kinks as framing devices. Even if the kinks don't appeal to you (DP is so not my thing), it's very, very worth reading.
Stuff I done wrote: Because I keep losing track of wtf I've written.
Awesome Unanswered Prompts:
- This Erlking prompt. Or, fuck, ANY of the Erlking prompts. How are we at almost 4K comments and no Erlking? D8
- Obligatory temporary slavery prompt. Yes, one of mine and someone started to fill it but they seem to have disappeared, much to my eternal dismay because so far this was totally fucking awesome and I loved it. 8(
- Ancient Rome AU. John Marcone in a toga. Please.
- Harry put up for a bachelor's auction. 'Cause deep down, I want Ivy to win Harry and they end up going to the zoo or something similarly adorable.
- Magical sex toy prompt! Shut up, I'm just really curious what a clever anon could do with this.
- A prompt for fic of other things the road to hell is paved with! I'm as surprised as you are, but this is me giving my permission, if anyone wanted to play in that ficverse. :shrugs:
- Desk sex. No explanation needed, I think.
- Hendricks/Marcone/Gard. Yes, another of mine, but I really did it for grenegome. She needs this in her life, guys. And deep in your heart, you know you do too.
Okay, that's all my links. Trust me, there is a lot more at the kinkmeme. I left out a lot of good stuff here. Go, read, prompt, and fill!
Oh and while you're here, is there a prompt you really wanna see filled? I have so many I wanna do, I can't decide. Suggestions welcome.
Originally posted at DW. Comment here or
there. DW comments: