Jan 06, 2010 19:47
+ Assassins Creed 2 done. SO HOW ABOUT THAT ENDING? Also, Subject 16 is love. Best part of the game was Cam Clarke, I'm not gonna lie. I think he's one of my favorite VAs now. He was astounding in this, really tore at my heartstrings.
+ Oh hay, I guess I can play Persona 4 again now, lol.
+ Am I that bad of a person for wanting very badly to play Bayonetta? I mean, HELLO. It was done by Clover Studio alumni and the DMC designers. And, you know what, yes, I am shallow at times and Bayonetta is hot. Though the Hair Thing freaks me out.
+ Was Repeat to Fade 3 really awful or something? :k-kinda sad: I don't think I'm obligated to have reviews, but after so many expressed excitement... I dunno. I'm confused that I really misstepped somehow. :sighs:
+ Anyway. There is no VA work in Metal Gear Ac!d! That's... more jarring than I ever expected. Also, movement is so fucking tedious. I'm so glad I love the visual style to pieces.
That's all for now. :3