(no subject)

Oct 01, 2008 21:37

The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historic, to your lj. (Any decision, as long as it's not Roe v. Wade.) FListers, please take the meme to your ElJay to spread the fun.

I'm even doing this one off the top of my head. No prep, just like Palin.

Bethel vs. Fraser, my all-time fave SCotUS case because it's funny. Go hit up it's wiki page for a good chuckle.

Fraser got in trouble with the Bethel School District when he gave a speech for a friend of his who was running for the high school's student council. The speech was filled with a lot of sexual double entendres and innuendo. While the student body enjoyed the speech, Fraser got in trouble (suspended, I think) because of the content.

Here's the real details. See, if Fraser had given the speech without consulting a teacher beforehand, he may have won the case. He did run the speech past a few superiors first though and they told him the content was inappropriate for a school setting. Because he had been told this already, he lost that lovely freedom of speech that so many students lose when they enter an educational institution.

And that's the basics. :D


ETA: This LJ now does not allow anon commenting. Nice try, factless conservative troll! :D Try again on someone else, baby.

politics, meme

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