Nov 28, 2007 08:24
Some highlights from last night (thanks to 360 & the best beer ever at Nachbar):
"Is that my Knight in shining pick-up?!"
"You're supposed to cover me, Raina! Be my Husky & Starch!" - which is now our YouTube name when we FINALLY film our show!
Tyler's married bartender.
Tyler almost making Aubrey spew.
Tyler & Raina crashing & burning - "Just like @ the Frat Party!" :(
"We've come into some good ones @ the twelfth hour!"
"Performance anxiety...?"
Problems in the bathroom.
Waiting FOREVER for tabs.
"It's gonna be WWIII!"
"You look like a chimp..."
"Is he family?"
"Tyler wants your asshole"
Spilled tea.
"Is this the Marie Antoinette soundtrack?!?!?!" :)
Pancakes are only an OK substitute for waffles if you order Chicken & Waffles. But that hot sauce was HOT.
Drunk Holly & "Santa Baby".
"Forero RochAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... He IS doing well!"
& the night before (thanks to a 60 oz pitcher of margs @ Ernesto's):
Leaving the car in drive (B4 inebriation).
The Descent: Panama Nights.
Lusting - Tyler - over Bear Gryllis.
"This show is a FAKE! He was outed as a phony!!!!!!!! He was caught staying in hotels. Oh he has naked pictures...? They need to NOT blur that out." "FAKE?! Look @ him! He's eating horned beetles and surviving in the wild! How is that FAKE?"
"Did I hear right? Did he just say Viper Pit - like in our patio - Is he looking for a way INTO it?"
"I would NOT jump into there - that's crazy." "Me, neither." Then later - "Quit being a chicken, Bear, and just jump it, it's like 3 feet down. Swim." ..... "Oh that river is like a foot." "Yeah he woulda died."
What would WE do in the jungle?!
"I'd've been dead LONG before I got to that waterfall. NO CAVES!!!!!!!!"
"Sugabaka's Classy Consignments! Fuh AAAWWLL yo Suthun Lady consignment needs!"
"Forero RochAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... He IS doing well!"
PLEASE EVERYONE copy and paste this into your bar.. you will understand the genius of Little Britain!