SPN 6x01. I watched it. And, you know, have talking to give you. Talking which involves a lot of cake metaphors.
First off, I have to say that this episode was formatted like my least favorite episodes are, aka there's exposition and then some kind of monster tossed in like fun-fetti in a very vanilla cake. One of my favorite episodes is Ghostfacers, for crying out loud, so when I say that I found this episode boring, remember that what makes me think something's EXCITING!!1! is...um. Probably different from yours!
I found this episode boring because the monster wasn't very good, there was no funny, and while there was much exposition I felt like nothing happened or was actually revealed. This felt like the first third of the season premiere, honestly. I'm telling myself that this feeling is truth and the next two episodes will greatly improve the season.
1. Lisa & Ben. I like Lisa! While I did think it was ridiculous that she would let Dean in when he was a mess and she had a kid to watch out for and everything, the fact Show actually discussed that ("I couldn't exactly turn down the guy who'd basically just saved the world"/"God knows why she let me in when I was such a wreck.") made me like her - and their relationship - a lot more. As Show kind of hammered us over the head with in the whole YED hallucination, there is true caring for each other. Which I like! And if there's more character development and they die, I will be Very Displeased.
2. Speaking of the YED hallucinations, and djinn hallucinations in general...see, the thing about fun-fetti is that really, all it adds are some dots of technicolor in your lovely white cake. It doesn't taste any different. It looks a little more interesting, but there's no change in the actual substance being consumed. Did we ever get to hear about how they first got to Dean? (I'm assuming it was Brigitte the Number-giving Barmaid, but whatevs.) Do we ever get any more motive than YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!1 which would explain the three year absence of djinn from Show? Your fun-fetti wasn't even all that fun, Show. It would've been a hell of a lot more interesting if the clawmarks were actually caused by something other than HIS MIIIND. And also: stop even showing YED in a temporally post-2x22 setting, plz. It just BOTHERS ME. AHBL2 was the point where I thought that yeah, it could totally end right here and I'd be satisfied and see it as a job well done. A feeling like that just gets busted up when you make me think you ACTUALLY RESURRECTED HIM. Grr. Bringing back YED would be such a deal-breaker.
3a. SAMMEH. Sammy, there is noooo way you are our Sam. Driving around in a car like that? When Dean offered you THE IMPALA? I think not. And the whole 'here let me do all the checking for you!' bit was just. There is something OFF with little Sammy, and it bothers me. (Also, lolol Cas isn't answering my prayers :( made me think hilarious Sassy always-wanna-be-with-you thoughts) Well, this was only the first episode. Maybe he'll show us his emo puppy core and he's just driving the ugly new car (and wtf is up with the black wheels? seriously, sam? SERIOUSLY? you brilliant coward you) because Jess left it in her will or something. Yes. A will that would enact itself six years in the future and demand Sam get a 2011 car. Exactly.
3b. Samuel you are so not ok. You should be at least 80, probably closer to 90, dragged out of heaven or not. Samuel says things and I keep looking at the boys and thinking run away, grandpa's gonna rape you!
4. THIRD COUSINS. Lol. I just. Ok. Well who knows, maybe they decided to come out of the woodworks when the apocalypse and the fight against unlocking and/or the actual fighting of Lucifer was over because they were having a family reunion in the Bahamas and got stuck there or something for a couple years. IDK. I want to say they're conning not!Sammy and using CREEPY SAMUEL to make him believe it, but. Well. First episode. They all seemed a bit too oooo, we're so coooooool for me. I liked the whole THEY'RE LIKE TRUCKERS WITH GUNS thing.
5. Bobby can walk therefore he has still not broken his deal with Crowley. Also he looks like he's lost weight. Also also I shouldn't have found his BUT THERE'S PLENTY OF READER'S DIGEST line funny but oh lord I did.
6. The big kicker: Dean's decision. I don't even know, guys. His big Defining Character Trait has always been how far & how devoted he is to family. After Sam (SUPPOSEDLY) died, he made Lisa'n'Ben his family. And now that he has two families to choose from, Sam has his super special Campbell third cousins and (RAPEY SO VERY RAPEY) grandfather. Which side needs him more? That's right, the Braedens. What side does he pick (...so far)? The Braedens! So basically what will happen is that when the Campbells show their true nature or reject Sam for still being kinda psychic or do...something, it'll fall to Dean to switch families again.
8. Show is very much Show with no Castiel and I enjoy it very much even when he's not to be found, but I usually prefer show with Castiel (and am also intrigued by this new isolationist movement in Heaven), so I would politely ask Show to give me little hints of what's up with Cas & the other angels.
8a. But if it's a choice between Castiel and Impala-Driving, I'm picking Impala-Driving. That was just wrong.
So. Overall, I was a bit underwhelmed. I wasn't expecting it to be amazing or anything, but I was hoping for a little less fun-fetti and a lot more...idk. Marbling. Or just a good chocolate cake in general.
Can we tell I think cake sounds FANTASTIC right now? Yes. Yes we can.