an other reason im not statistically valid

Aug 10, 2009 23:01

i was tryng to think up some things to tell a past self, useful advise kinda crap and i can't think of any thing.

i must be the only person in the world ho doesn't have any regrets or what ifs. whats done is done, and i wouldn't do anything differently.
maybe i've not been to enough exotic places, but im not very good with the heat, and i'll get to the cold ones sooner or later. I've never really wanted to BE anything badly enought to both with it - im closer now to my childhood ambition, than i ever was at school. 
Ive tried most things i've wanted to try and i alwasy a least try to say yes to new idea and suggestions ( exept Durian, and im not sure eating anything that smells like turps and washing up liquid is a good idea)
ive tried  poly and infidelity, but neither were really me, i've tried to learn and read as much as possible, i've tried sanity and like insanity better. ive tried real life and like fiction better

although i would like a raspberry daiqui about now...
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