So...fall's here. It's cold. But it also brings back all my favorite shows so I'll overlook the cold...for now.
Here it comes...thoughts on stuff I watched recently.
Oh my...was it just me or was this ep funny? Loved it. Loved the Booth/Brennan interaction, especially in the car and the ending. Kinda loved the new boss and the changes she brings with her. Oh and DB is soooooo pretty. *sigh*
Me=happy fangirl.
I can't help it. I love Robin and Ted together. I never thought I'd like this show so much but what can I say? Awesome! *G*
The whole Marshall and Lilly thing? So sad...
Did I mention how much I adore Robin/Ted?
OH.MY.GOD. Best opening sequence EVER! *fights urge to re-watch* I want an icon of that!
As much as I want to hate Luke for being an ass in S6, I can't. I give up. Can't hate him. The diner-scene with Kirk was hilarious.
The dinner and Liz and TJ's oh boy...I for once loved a scene with Liz and TJ in it. The Lake House-reference? LOVE! But watching Luke all sad...*sniff*
Loved the girls' trip to Asia. I want that sushi! *G*
Also loved Rory's reaction after she found out about Christopher.
Lane's pregnant? Oh my... Loved her freaking out about it and the scene with Rory where they mocked all the baby "names". And Mexico really sounds bad...*g* Can't wait to see Zack's reaction!
Where are Emily and Richard?
Finally, the ending. Broke my heart again. Damn. I was kinda confused about Lorelai's lack of sadness for the last 2 eps but's like she's finally realizing that it's over.
But Luke: how can you tell her she belongs with someone like Christopher??? She left the Gilmore house and she was very clear (all the time) about not wanting to be with someone like Christopher! She never wanted to be Lorelai Gilmore so don't try to tell her she does!
Finally *squee*
Not a single moment I didn't love about it.
Mac!!! I've always loved and I'm so glad we'll see her around more often. It was "nice" seeing her annoyed by her roommate and still sad about Cassidy.
The LoVe!!! He gave her the keys to his room! *aw* Both of them all sweaty...nice! *cocks eyebrow* I hope we'll get more of that before the drama starts has to start eventually. It's LoVe after all.
Dick!!! So glad he's back. Loved to ending when he showed up at Logan's. I just hope that the two of them living together won't mess up Logan all over again.
Keith!!! He continues to be awesome. But please, how could he not check his briefcase after Vinnie got his hands on it?
Piz - I like him. His scenes with Wallace were funny and he sooo likes Veronica *g* He can stay. :o)
So...the rapist is back. Have to admit that I knew about that and I can't wait what happens next.
Loved Veronica voice-overing not to piss anyone off this time. Hee! And that worked out really well, huh? Loved seeing her in criminology class. The magazine-reading? Classic VM.
Also: seeing Veronica hang out with a group of people was good. So far she's been hanging out well, never. Besides Duncan and Logan. But that's different.
The new credits? HUH? Me=undecided.
Oh and in peace, Kendall.
I've also watched some clips and read transcripts for Grey's Anatomy 3x01+3x02...still awesome.
Also: LOST is back! *bounces off the walls* Can't wait to see it!
TV-land is a wonderful place. Me=happy fangirl all around.
Had to work yesterday, we have to prepare a new course for the 10th graders. Took longer than I expected but I think we're ready to go now.
No work at my uncle's tomorrow...nice for a change.