Introducing a magical girl who looks like rainbows and hates everything!

Nov 15, 2011 17:43

Hello Luceti! This is Sararararah, player of soreplaceable and drawer of things that should not be drawn bringing in one of my original characters!

Meet Kari Nijihi! She's just your average school girl living in 2050 Japan, where books are considered rare collectibles and everyone reads visual novels (think: kindle with pictures and occasional game play). She also happens to be a magical girl named Hoshikyo who travels between worlds in search of a way to remove her powers.

Why? Oh, because the locket she uses to transform is embedded in her chest and coiled around her heart. Fun stuff!

Extra little fun facts about Kari:
-She doesn't look a thing like her magical girl self.
-She doesn't act a thing like her magical girl self. The magic in her pendant is actually due to the spirit living inside, which is slowly corrupting her soul in order to take over her body and return to life! This causes her personality to change when she's transformed, and is also slowly changing her normal personality as well.
-She has ~PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER~ but since she doesn't have an instructional manual or a cute character mascot to explain everything, she can only used like 10% of her powers. Being a magical girl is hard, okay?
-She'll be trying to keep her identity as Hoshikyo and her identity as Kari separate. Two girls in one! For refenerence, Kari is the apathetic, nerdy recluse and Hoshikyo is the genki-girl with a hero complex. They're the same person, really!
-She really really doesn't like manly guys. But cute girls are her weakness.

You can find her app over here!
There is one last thing I want to point out and that's her ~~ 4TH WALL PERMISSIONS~~!! Her entire canon is pretty much based on the idea that fictional worlds actually exist. Even if your character isn't from a Japanese series, they can still exist in some form in her world, so please check it out!

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: friend add magicalesbian here!


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