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wantsfriedbread || Ar Tonelico Qoga
Mostly looking for crit/thoughts on Tyria, but I obviously won't say no if anyone has something they want to bring up about Yuri.
No but seriously, I think she's interesting and I like how her and Greed are interacting so far. Hopefully she'll forgive him for being a perv. Keep up the good work. XD
But yeah, glad to hear it! |D And pfff, honestly, she suspects almost every male she interacts with for being a perv. Not to mention her boyfriend is a massive one too. She'll either forgive or ignore Greed's prevertedness eventually. As long as he doesn't suggest making 3rd Gens again. |8
And maybe. maybe. makes me want to play her game. |D
ffff do it. I'd say to get the first and second games too, but. one attempted enabling step at a time. or maybe i'll just let kyo take care of that for me.
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