Some Monthly Stuff

May 18, 2011 06:03

Sup guys, been a while. THIS HAS NOT BEEN A GOOD MONTH FOR ORGANIZATION so my bad, my bad. These things do happen.

A few things to announce:

1) YES I KNOW THE WEATHER CALENDAR WAS LATE SOB. It's posted now, so you can all weep over your incorrect weather predictions. June is also complete so next month it will not be (as) late, ha!

You may also notice something funny going on down at the bottom there. The original plan was to post the weather for previous months in the comments for easy access. Unfortunately LJ is like "NO WAI!!!" because each month is around 5-6000 characters rather than the required 4000 for comments. Woe. I tried tweaking the HTML to shrink it down and I still could only get it to 4500 or so, thus um. Other methods will probably be attempted at some point. I know some people would like the earlier weather and I do have it archived up until March of 2010, so I might look into getting it up on the Wikia or something. Unless someone else has a better suggestion. the way we have a Wikia! You know. In case people want to use it. /cough

2) I updated the Friend Add/Remove page, and all new characters who commented to it should be on the list. If your username is not on the list, it will not be added to the Master List! So if you don't see yourself down there, please comment to the post linked above.

Here's this cycle's adds, drops, etc. Copy-paste here!

friend add donaldtrumpcard
friend add mamiries
friend add asterism_angel
friend add chronica
friend add regalblade
friend add maidenofdemise
friend add beholdmyscar
friend add voicesreason
friend add truthget
friend add twinnedavarice
friend add curiousgenius
friend add wantsfriedbread
friend add cuteobsessed
friend add poorneedyand
friend add falenanthief
friend add thederpyhalf
friend add charmingdoe
friend add alwaysserious
friend add saintlyvice
friend add seeksdreams
friend add tinyhawk
friend add agamechanger
friend add frost_jewel
friend add truthhides
friend add uncapsulated
friend add seventeensir
friend add repudiationist
friend add windguided
friend add galaxy_nymph
friend add firebluebird
friend add shoutsgeronimo
friend add divinepooch
friend add magicrevelation
friend add todistantskies
friend add jollygreenjerk
friend add yourhatred
friend add rarewear
friend add wears_a_torc
friend add presumablyalone
friend add sherpahat
friend add anodracthedark
friend add celestialbug
friend add intangible_girl
friend add lithuanians
friend add scarletspeedstr
friend add 4starsavior
friend add wonribbons
friend add toyaka_shifter
friend add rathersolitary
friend add kidqueen
friend add ohmykethe
friend add happyends
friend add magicwarding
friend add rompicoglioni
friend add rites
friend add ohmystomach
friend add mog_summoner
friend add jushinkan
friend add theteadragon
friend add arcanaxxii
friend add harthad
friend add histruename
friend add he_never_dies
friend add theyfollowme
friend add molinet
friend add minimonsterdad
friend add totheuttereast
friend add brb_20_minutes
friend add draw_a_flag
friend add adevotedoak
friend add likes_shinies
friend add rebellingheart
friend add imitatethelaugh
friend add sasukelogic
friend add dance_mypuppets
friend add after_themoon
friend add pifflelandlady
friend add lina_revolution
friend add momnapplepie
friend add smokingdemon
friend add forthepowerless
friend add wigglesfate
friend add deathtakesashot
friend add crybabyofdeath
friend add bocchi
friend add idkmybffdewey

friend remove hagyjbeken
friend remove nearlychosen
friend remove gan_ceann
friend remove a_bit_heartless
friend remove awonderfulname
friend remove blondexena
friend remove commanderubend
friend remove history_pirate
friend remove myfatherspath
friend remove perfect_service
friend remove pungere
friend remove sans_dwarves
friend remove shrikestrikes
friend remove sly_little_fox
friend remove strategicbail
friend remove the_earths_edge
friend remove thewholemaker
friend remove un_faized
friend remove undershades
friend remove usedfryingpan
friend remove captain_in_you
friend remove fight4theusers
friend remove enduringwaters
friend remove suitedforcoffee
friend remove trueraretalent
friend remove magecaptain
friend remove flamingbandit
friend remove the_soother
friend remove twinbullet
friend remove love_me_venus
friend remove cuttingedges
friend remove abishopreally
friend remove coruscationed
friend remove vivi_aislinn
friend remove ricketytrickery
friend remove dawndigger
friend remove vanhossen
friend remove oncebright

As a sidenote, I always notice a number of people commenting to the Activity Check whose names are not on the Add/Remove list, so I suggest that everybody take a moment to check and make sure even older characters are on there.

3) As always, the Draft Post is open and available for characters to sign up for recruitment. Always nice to get some New Feathers in there. Delicious freshmeat. Naturally this is strictly voluntary, so no worries if you're not interested.

That's all folks! We'll have an event soonish, so sit tight.

announcements, friend add/remove

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