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onebluebamf // X-Men Evolution
dakingofawesome // Super Mario
originaljackass // Fables
tintobrat // Suikoden
But I have also really enjoyed following Jack and Bowser. I have only glanced over Fables, but props for playing an asshole who is still tolerable to read. Ditto Bowser-- he is like, loveable the way you think a bratty kid is loveable until they do something just obnoxious enough to cross the line and make you all "ugh where is that kids parents".
....That is my totally thoughtful crit at this hour that is past my bedtime.
But hearing again that Sokka is still running fine is good to hear, thanks.
But you play an amazing Koopa King. Very few characters have made me laugh as much as Bowser has here. Keep it up, man.
So major props, Masa.
But I'm glad to hear that even my less played characters still catch people's attention. Even if Sokka monopolizes my time a lot.
Our CR feels very limited lately, but it just could be the characters themselves not meshing together. I feel like there could be more with Kurt, but that probably would depend on other factors as well. I guess time will tell with Luceti.
I think for Raine, Kurt and Lilly are definitely the ones with the most potential. Kurt is a more empathetic sort of person and could potentially become really close to Raine in a way that, frankly, Sokka never will. And then I think Lilly well... if we could ever get them to the point about talking about Albert and Yuber, that there could do a lot.
I'd honestly be interested in going at it with both of them.
Yeah, she and Sokka probably reached their potential as far as they go-- she has a better relationship with Katara, I think, and it's enough to maintain a fondness if they talk to each other enough even casually, but I can't see it going much deeper than that. I hope we can work on that at some point with Kurt, and dealing with that properly with Lilly would be interesting. I don't feel like we've seen a lot of Lilly yet, so I hope she's not in any danger.
Kurt can be pretty hard about that kind of thing too, but if has a reason, he will poke and prod at Raine to find out more about her. All he'd need is the ears to do it, honestly.
And Lilly I think is okay? Her last post kind of killed my enthusiasm since it went largely overlooked despite being excited for it all week. But I'm not going to let one stinker stop me or anything, I just need to go out and tag some entries with her.
Yeah, I think the problem with her last post was that it came at the end of the event (which people seemed to be losing steam for at a rapid pace especially when they didnt know when THIS current one would start) and it might have been around the start of lj fail too? I'm not sure. But I'm glad you're not letting it get you down :|b
Yeah, I figured about the same. A lot of people had been complaining on like, Day 3, that they were tired of the event. And I had a Lilly post not too long before that. So I was just being ridiculously optimistic thinking I could garner interest for it.
Ahhh, okay.
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