(no subject)

Mar 24, 2011 11:49

Sup guys, this is kind of delayed, my bad. Got a few things to discuss/mention to y'all, so eyes here for five!

1) Friend/Add Remove

The list for this cycle is below:

friend add thedicearecast
friend add burningdownfate
friend add pridefulfists
friend add thewholemaker
friend add queenly_valiant
friend add gunsnpudding
friend add bookworldly
friend add moezuo
friend add normalwhispered
friend add moo_yah
friend add allthefunever
friend add the_mikester
friend add tintobrat
friend add banditsblindly
friend add interstellars
friend add coolstempers
friend add unmarryable
friend add notsofunnybones
friend add ishisfriend
friend add isntyourfriend
friend add mistyarc
friend add feltrighteous
friend add first_darkness
friend add ufo_fanboy
friend add queenly_valiant
friend add pridefulfists
friend add kissdiet
friend add perfect_service
friend add unbalancedsoul
friend add ricketytrickery
friend add sea_king_bait
friend add oflambs
friend add moezuo
friend add tvorbust
friend add realityanchor
friend add etreici
friend add cowledcrusader
friend add cluelessflower
friend add vibrafinal
friend add onlykissesgirls
friend add sapphire_sniper
friend add ofthediaphragm
friend add cutefiancee
friend add toothfull
friend add ninjacane
friend add schwayginnis
friend add paradoxwraith
friend add honorbeforeall
friend add gaveupthesword
friend add consultmybooks
friend add gekkoukanclown
friend add demonkingdhaos
friend add commanderubend
friend add fortune_prince
friend add fideliter
friend add rabidrapido
friend add dreamfandom
friend add ingrate
friend add mirrorblade
friend add pungere
friend add paranoidpatriot
friend add moonaligned
friend add sans_dwarves
friend add seraphgoddess
friend add chainedraven
friend add subethical
friend add twinbullet
friend add eighth_strike
friend add erodingearth
friend add stringless_doll
friend add forbrotherslove
friend add hatesghosts
friend add flamingbandit
friend add choseheroism
friend add electroporation
friend add byebyehalcyon
friend add break_the_past
friend add dontgetcuter
friend add windythings

friend remove autocrossbowplz
friend remove chandra_ablaze
friend remove lucathedraw
friend remove healeveryone
friend remove hallowedlight
friend remove dragonhero
friend remove selfless_chosen
friend remove denyingreasons
friend remove after_march
friend remove steadfastest
friend remove devilinthecards
friend remove prat_prince
friend remove ballkicker
friend remove bang_ihaveagun
friend remove blue_velocity
friend remove bravare
friend remove brewinthunder
friend remove expediency
friend remove failuremage
friend remove idle_magic
friend remove im_brilliant
friend remove ivorygunslinger
friend remove kazakami
friend remove listenstorocks
friend remove lunaticked
friend remove lusus_scientiae
friend remove magnanimity
friend remove nightsofrain
friend remove nofireallowed
friend remove phasingly
friend remove rebeloutcast
friend remove restoremyhonour
friend remove sofar_sogr8
friend remove thesearepants
friend remove tsuntrader
friend remove willbeawinner
friend remove hanatarou
friend remove compos_mentis
friend remove pinkribbons
friend remove swordboning
friend remove gandrism
friend remove loyalotter
friend remove slayersidekick
friend remove scalethetower
friend remove causeblocked
friend remove tempest_break
friend remove amazingasa1ways
friend remove orchidsandfire
friend remove ima_greywarden
friend remove nattocat
friend remove plantsactivist
friend remove followstrangerz
friend remove likeraditz
friend remove univalent
friend remove symp3thy

Copy-pasta HERE to set yourself up. NEW PLAYERS: if your name is not on the add list, you will not be added to the master list! So get your butt over to the Add/Remove post and comment to it. Yes, you! ...Are they gone? GOOD I HATE THAT GUY

2) Recruitment (again)

Many of you are aware of this, but for those unaware and/or new: Luceti occasionally has a special mission draft, aka Recruitment, where characters are voluntold for the war going on outside the barrier. For the amount we send each time, numbers tend to dwindle quite quickly! As such we like to draw attention to it. Like so. |D

To sign your character up for it, the post is HERE.

3) Activity Check

The AC in February was our first time using the new system, and while it went well for the most part, there were a number of complaints, comments, and suggestions that were worth listening to. Namely, the unfairness of the journal versus comment-thread policy. This was a mod-consistency error (I admit my failing in that regard, and I apologize) and we'd like to amend that. So thus, the next AC will have the following addendum:

The 30-comment rule will apply to journal entries as well as threads.

This means that you either need 30 comments on the entry itself, or a combination of entry + 1 or 2 threads to bring you to a minimum of 30 comments. We'll be counting the entry itself as a comment, to be fair to the poster.

Little Leftovers

Just a friendly reminder that if you haven't commented to the following pages or your information is out of date, now is a good time to do it!

- Map and Housing
- Player Contact Post
- Taken Characters

Aaaaand lastly, we're putting an event up this weekend, so. Look forward to it. |Db


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