Hey guys, guess who forgot to post this at the end of the AC? |D
How's My Driving?
This is a crit post for both the community and game and for your characters. If you have something you'd like to see us improve upon with the game, PLEASE TELL US HERE! Anon commenting is on, but if anything gets really nasty there will be warnings and thread-
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Let me say, first off, that I really appreciate what you two have been doing, plotwise. It's nice to have a big epic backstory to Luceti. The past few months though, I've been getting worried that you guys are getting so wrapped up in telling the story from your point of view, you're forgetting just how little we know about it.
You keep feeding us tiny bits of information. Some of which we can work with, like ANI's big info dumps, and others... that are not so helpful. Either they're such tiny details they're not even noticed as foreshadowing, or they're just terrible confusing to us. Like I said, us players don't know as much about what's going on 'outside the barrier' as you do. ANI mentioned Malnosso bases outside the barrier, and I happen to still remember, but I bet 75% of our current playerbase doesn't know. If it ever is used plotwise, you guys would need to explain all over again so there was really no point in planting the seeds of knowledge that early, ya know? ... Okay, it was a stupid example, but I can't think of a better way to explain.
Meanwhile, things that we as players do need to know are left in the dark. I hate to bring this up for the millionth time, but yet again, I'm referring to things such as the Mallynapping. How does it work, what kind of exceptions are there, how do the droids get inside the house, etc etc. These are the kind of things we actually have to work with, but you guys just stuff it away in a "nitpickers guide" that was promised to us half a year ago.
I'm not telling you to minimize the plot. Not at all. I'm just asking you to maybe view things a bit more from the players' point of view and less from the "plotting mod" point of view. There are things that are vital for us to know and things that are not quite as important (yet).
That said, I have no further issues whatsoever. Keep up the good work, guys, I love you!
Anyway, we'll try to work on that.
Also, if you haven't done so already, include stuff like what the journals can and can't do. I'm starting to get confused over whether the video function is real or not.
In regards to the functions of the journal (as well as some other things that people are worried might be retconned) Eggy and I have something worked out, so you guys are free to continue using the journals however you like.
All we're asking is that you guys use your imaginations a bit, especially with the kidnappings. I'm concerned that the guide won't tell you the sort of explanation you're looking for because... to be honest, what everyone's assumed thus far is pretty much all there is to it.
We haven't been able to make too many assumptions and I was hoping the guide would help with that. But, yeah, if it's got so much HTML and whatnot I can understand you not wanting to change it. That's fine. We'll just keep waiting, then.
So... yeah. There's not much else I can say. Like I said, we'll just keep waiting then.
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