(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 05:41



Please read through the details carefully.

Now, to make sure everyone knows what they're doing, here's how it's done:

1) Comment listing each of your characters in the following format:


Character Name:
Character Journal:
Character Fandom:
Recent Activity: Here

2) You must link to recent activity. You can show the following:

a) a recent entry you've posted
b) a log you've participated in/are working on
c) a thread involving your character on someone else's journal

If it's not a very long thread, feel free to post more than one \o We want to see some substance to your activity, after all.

3) Activity that qualifies should fall between the 1st of the month and the 15th, before this post.

4) If a mun has commented to the Hiatus post and their hiatus is still valid, their characters will not be removed.

5) If your activity doesn't fall between those dates and you're not on hiatus, you must contact one of the mods. Please, please do this. Just let us know what's up; we're usually pretty lenient, we just like to see characters interacting, not getting sat on. If you don't post valid activity and you don't talk to us, your character will be removed regardless of whether or not you post here.

6) If you have a new character who just joined this month and have not yet posted, just put "New Character" in the Recent Activity field. That way everyone's accounted for.

7) If you do not post here your character(s) will be removed from the roleplay. The exception to this is new characters from this application round.

8) Since we've had problems in the past where people have breezed through activity checks by posting, speaking with a mod, and then falling back into inactivity again, characters who don't qualify must post before the AC is over! Either post an entry or do a few threads, but you must link to your new activity and prove that you're playing the characters again. We will be following up on this, and if you don't show some activity, you will be removed. No more skirting by, sorry.

The activity check will last until January 27th. We'll announce this a few more times before the cut-off date, so keep an eye out!

By the way, we're still picking away at apps, and we'll try to be as fast as possible, so please be patient with us, ^^;

ALSO! If you missed the last AC/were on hiatus or something, and you haven't given me your character's timeline yet, please do so here! And if any of you paid-account users (or just ones feeling generous) feel like reposting their character information with the timeline tacked on there as well, scamper over to the Taken Characters post and go for it! I'll delete any of the old info posted via the mod journal, to keep things cleaned up.

activity check

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