(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 21:49

Who: Zack Fair, Simon, Denzel and Cloud Strife
What: S'time to meet the kids.
When: Shortly after this thread.
Where: Zack and Aerith's House, #34.
Summary: Zack isn't mad at Cloud any more, Cloud has two chillens and Zack wants to see Chocobo-head's chicks.
Rating: G. There's children present, c'mon.

As Cloud led the two boys by the hand, he couldn't help a small smile; Zack wasn't angry with him anymore. It was like a weight had been lifted from his chest, and he could breathe easy again. With all the dangers going around; Tifa caught in the clinic, the arrivals of Denzel and Simon, Cloud had been beyond stressed. Even after everyone had been returned safe and sound, there was still something off.

Cloud squeezed the boys' hands.

Finally approaching the house, Cloud let go of their hands and knocked on the door, hesitant to simply barge right in. Zack would probably call him on it, but...well. That's what friends were for, right?

[gurren lagann] simon, [ff: vii] denzel, [ff: vii] cloud strife, [ff: vii] zack fair

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