Who: Lavi, Allen, Maria, Nia, Seles(?)
What: Food shopping!
When: Current, after
this post by Allen, but before the rainstorms started.
Where: The shops around town.
Summary: Finally getting food for poor hungry Allen!
Rating: No more than PG, I'm sure.
"Ready to go, Allen?" Lavi asked, standing by the door of the house... their house, he supposed it was now. He shifted his shoulders, still not used to the wings on his back. At least he'd managed to cut slits in his shirt for them, and felt more comfortable in his own clothes. His Exorcist jacket would take a little more work to modify, but food was needed first.
As he waited, he instinctively brushed his fingertips against his thigh where his weapon usually would have rested, and a faint frown creased his face. He remembered it breaking as he fell, and knew that it would have been too much to hope that even the pieces would be brought here too. It was still difficult to accept the loss, however, even more than the addition of the wings to his back.
"Allen, you comin'?" he called out again, ready to get out of the house and his mind off such things.