"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity..."

Nov 27, 2011 18:59

Who:The members of the Book Club.
What: The first book club meeting after heading out to recruit more members.
When: The last Sunday of November, the 27th.
Where: The library!
Summary: All the members of the book club gather together to discuss this months book. Refreshments are provided for the course of the meeting and mingling is encouraged. Whether you've officially signed up or just curious, come along and see if the Book Club is for you!
Rating: B for Books, of course.
[Welcome to the Book Club! This months book is a collection of short stories written by Edgar Allen Poe, containing most of his work from 1824 to 1849. Upon entering one of the collections can be picked up from the front desk.

Refreshments are provided, layed out on a table further into the library. Nearby this table are many comfy chairs set out in a circle for book club members to sit down and take turns talking about what they enjoyed most about the book, any criticisms they might have on the style of writing, anything they like. Discussion is highly encouraged.

After the meeting, members are free to leave or stick around and mingle a little with the other members. Your horoscope for today might make proper discussion difficult, or you might find it difficult even arriving! But don't worry, it's quite understandable if you can't come today due to those bats organising against you, or you're still in the bath getting ready for that romantic encounter.]

[clannad] kotomi ichinose, [durarara] aoba kuronuma, [sailor moon] ami mizuno, [negima] nodoka miyazaki, [tales: vesperia] estelle, [tales: innocence] luca milda, [spiral] eyes rutherford, [oc] helios sprensonne, [pandora hearts] leo baskerville

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