What's a Witch... without a cat?

Nov 18, 2011 16:11

Who:  Adell, Fatima, ...and anyone else!
What:  Light-hearted pet-related shenanigans.
When:  Nov. 18th, afternoon
Where:  Village Shops and around the square.
Summary:  Fatima recently has acquired a new companion in a cat Adell found.  Unsurprisingly, Fatima's dragging him around to help get things for her new little friend.  Inevitably, they're bound to run into others during this whole thing.
Rating:  No higher than PG-13, I'd hope. 

[Adell was on his way to the battle dome to meet up with Fatima for their usual training sessions on Fridays.  The snow was driving pretty hard outside, and Adell silently cursed at having to be outside in it.   But on his way out that way, something catches his eye.  Movement, in the snow nearby.  He quickly turns to see what it is, curious as to what would be out in conditions like this.

He looks into the orange eyes of a smoky gray cat, the creature having fixated its own gaze on him as well, as though it had been caught in some kind of trap.  But as they stared at each other for a brief moment, Adell could tell something about the poor creature.  It was shivering, no doubt a stray trapped out in the cold with nowhere to go... and it was probably hungry too.  Even though it meant being out in the cold longer, he reached into his backpack and produced some beef jerky.  He offered it to the cat as he kneeled down to it.  The creature was hesitant for a moment, and looked like it was ready to flee from him, but after a few moments, decided to go for it.  After it had eaten the piece of food, it looked at Adell expectantly, and he reached over to gently pet it on its head.

The cat seemed to enjoy this, but the food did nothing to curtail the shivers the poor animal was suffering from the snow and ice.  He remembered something he had told Valvatorez just yesterday:  It wouldn't be my style to leave someone out in the cold...]

I guess I can't really leave you out here, can I?  I'll take you someplace warm for now.

[Adell unzipped the front of his coat, then gently lifted the cat into his arms.  He allowed it to take refuge inside the coat where it was much warmer.  Surprisingly, the stray was oddly receptive to the treatment.  Maybe it sensed Adell meant no harm.  Or maybe it was simply that desperate.  Either way, with the cat under his coat, he made his way to the Battle Dome.  He just hoped Fatima wouldn't be upset that he was late...]

(OoC: The first thread in this log will be between Adell and Fatima upon their meeting, and is chronologically first.  After that, they can be caught in the village square or in one of the shops.  Three person thread order for those will probably be You > Adell > Fatima.  Threads one-on-one with either Adell or Fatima are allowed too, just state that's what you want.)
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