Nov 13, 2011 19:19

Who: Residents of House 53 plus anyone else who wants to show up
When: The afternoon of Sunday, November 13
Where: House 53
Summary: It's isntyourfriend's birthday! Come wish him a happy day, or at least get some cake.
Rating: G unless Elliot gets really upset about the party

happy birthday to Elliot~ )

[pokemon] yellow, [pandora hearts] gilbert nightray, [tales: graces] richard, [pandora hearts] elliot nightray, [pandora hearts] jack vessalius, [pandora hearts] vincent nightray, [pandora hearts] ada vessalius, [pandora hearts] oz vessalius, [pandora hearts] leo baskerville

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chainedraven November 14 2011, 02:28:09 UTC
[Gilbert's main focus is keeping an eye on the food, since he made it and feels responsible to ensure that the refreshments stay well-stocked. It also gives him a very convenient excuse to not mingle with any guests who might show up, since he's never been that sociable a person to begin with, but if anyone would care to corner him he'll be around.

Possibly hiding. But around.]


isntyourfriend November 14 2011, 05:07:27 UTC
[During one of Gilbert's attempts to hide, Elliot seeks him out, and when he finds him, it's not a quiet greeting he receives.]

...Gilbert. What are you doing?


chainedraven November 14 2011, 05:41:44 UTC
[Is he upset? Hopefully he isn't upset. It's his birthday, so it's supposed to be a party for him.

Besides, it was Leo's idea, anyway.

Gilbert just frowns back at Elliot and shrugs a little uncertainly.]'s your birthday.


isntyourfriend November 14 2011, 06:33:54 UTC
[Silly Gil, that's not why he's here to harass you.]

I asked what you were doing. Right now!

[He wants to hear him say it. He wants to hear him say that he's hiding.]


chainedraven November 14 2011, 06:50:19 UTC
[Oh. Is that it, then. Good luck with that, Elliot.

Gilbert glances around himself and takes a step in the direction of the table with the food, giving another one of those shrugs.]

I'm keeping an eye on the refreshments. There's more in the kitchen if we run out.


isntyourfriend November 14 2011, 08:39:59 UTC
Well, stop looking like you want nothing to do with anyone, then! It looks bad!

[Not that he cares how you present yourself to others. Because you always look bad hanging around that Vessalius shrimp.]


chainedraven November 14 2011, 09:37:51 UTC
I'm not trying to.

[...or maybe he is. A little. It's easier than actually trying to make conversation with them, because people are scary.]


isntyourfriend November 14 2011, 10:46:29 UTC
Don't try to hide it! [You're a filthy liar, Gilbert. It probably helps that Elliot's only so much better at dealing with people himself.]'s a party, so you shouldn't be avoiding everyone.


chainedraven November 14 2011, 23:34:22 UTC
I'm not avoiding everyone.

[He's talking to you, isn't he? See? Not everyone.]

Besides, it's your party. You should be enjoying it.


isntyourfriend November 15 2011, 03:20:18 UTC
[Elliot does not make up for everyone he isn't speaking to! But Gilbert's mention of the party being his party makes him feel embarrassed again.] didn't have to do this.

[In fact, he doesn't understand why he did.]


chainedraven November 15 2011, 05:32:56 UTC
[Gilbert looks away again, self-consciously folding his arms across his chest as he does.]

I know.

[He pauses again, then adds, more quietly:]

I wanted you to have a good birthday.


isntyourfriend November 15 2011, 07:01:44 UTC

If Gilbert hadn't looked away already, he'd have noticed his younger brother doing the same. These aren't the kinds of things he expects to hear from Gil.]

It's weird to celebrate it here.


chainedraven November 15 2011, 09:40:29 UTC
[The Nightrays actually admitting things to each other. Next thing you know the sky will turn green.]

Here, in the house? Or just here in Luceti?


isntyourfriend November 15 2011, 09:54:44 UTC
[Gilbert, what did you put in the food...]

In Luceti.


chainedraven November 15 2011, 10:22:00 UTC
[A secret blend of eleven herbs and spices...]

It is odd to still be here. Even with all these people I know, it still isn't home.

[He hesitates, giving Elliot a brief sidelong glance.]

I guess that's why I agreed a party would be a good idea. At least we're all here together.


isntyourfriend November 15 2011, 11:25:04 UTC
[what have you done. It's kind of a strange feeling, but... Elliot agrees with what Gilbert says, even if he doesn't say so out loud. The fact that even if they're with people they know, they aren't home, so it isn't the same-that's exactly how he felt.

Even so, Gilbert is still saying some awfully embarrassing things, so Elliot frowns.]

...yeah. It's everyone... together.

[And that's important here. He knows that.]


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