Who: Everyone
When: Halloween day, 8AM onward
Where: Luceti?
Summary: Everyone wakes up from their Moon!Coma and oh by the way, it's Halloween
Rating: Fluffy
At 8AM, everyone wakes up! Luceti is back to normal. If the villagers were far away enough from Luceti, they might even find themselves deposited back in the village (but probably nowhere convenient). Today the clothing store will be full of costumes of any design you like and the stores full of candy! As for the skies above? It may be lightning and thunder, but there won't be a drop of rain all day. Just a little bit of spooky fog on the ground. Just enough to make the setting appropriate.
(Point of note, there are no event masks on the 31st. Have fun! Plan a party! Go scare people with your cool costumes!)
EDIT: In the evening, there will be a Halloween party in the plaza. Not from the Malnosso, though. Just something arranged by random Lucetians who decided to make this part of the holiday enjoyable at least. Food, drink, music, and candy will be provided!