liketofu, and all their CR that wants to come (family and friends alike)!
What: Girls'(?) night out. Plural!
When: September OCTOBER 15th to September OCTOBER 20th or so. :'|
Where: See title!
Summary: With Souji's departure amongst other things, it's time to blow some steam with a couple relaxed nights out of the village~
Rating: PG-13 at most
it keeps on pounding )
[La la la~]
[Keiichi is just jogging right behind Minako, they are going earlier than he thought but whatever. He hasn't noticed that it's just her going there at this time, somehow.]
I'm glad, though! Because at least this means I won't be waiting alone. Are Nii-Nii and Loki-kun still in bed back at home?
Eh? Huh? Wha-... What?! I thought we all were leaving already! I suppose they are still in bed then, I didn't check the upper floor before leaving.
[Oh well, he doesn't seem too worried or upset.]
[Holding back her laughter to the best of her ability, it's hard to due to his antics.]
Are you still tired? I could keep watch while you doze off on a bench or something. [She says this, but there's a bit of a hint she doesn't want him to leave quite yet.]
[Keiichi smiles apologetically, come on Minako, he's not the type to just go and sleep after accompanying a girl somewhere to wait for their friends.]
You're really looking forward to this, aren't you?
[Minako didn't quite look forward to the prospect of waiting alone, but with Keiichi with her it became a lot more manageable. Besides, she couldn't name the last time they had a one on one conversation so naturally she couldn't help but keep her smile from growing.]
More than looking forward! It's been way too long since I've been able to do something like this with my friends. I'm glad everyone could make it, with how last minute it was and everything. [she places a finger to her lips in thought.]
Have you ever been to the hot springs here before?
I have, I think it was around those days that Haruki, Minato and myself went to them. But I haven't had time or reasons to come for the past months so I'm glad you got this idea and invited us. Going to the hot springs alone is lame after all.
A lot of things have been happening recently, so I thought it'd be nice for everyone to get a break. What's a better way than relaxing at the hot springs? Plus, the cold weather's about to settle in and everything; sooner or later people aren't going to want to take a single step outside.
That's true, though supposedly hot springs are enjoyed the best while it's cold outside. I'm glad I can come, though, if I had still been a bear I would have had to stay at home.
Even with the teleporter and all, it's still pretty far. I kind of wish it were closer, that way everyday could be a hot springs day. [Sigh. A girl can wish.]
... Heh. [A small sound escapes from her mouth.] You made the perfect teddy with that soft fur of yours, though! I wouldn't have scheduled it regardless, knowing you couldn't come.
Just imagine how long it took before Leon made the teleporters and it won't seem that far now with them.
[He laughs loudly at the teddy bear remark.]
Yeah, that was a good part of it, I don't think I've ever got so many girls to hug and cuddle with me. Gotta miss that, to be honest. But I won't miss being almost unable to talk.
I've heard. It would take at least three hours to get there, right? Everything would be done by foot, seeing as there aren't any cars or other methods of transportation. [She thinks about it for a moment, shuddering at the thought.] This Leon-san must be an amazing person, to be able to come up with an invention like this.
[Sure, it wasn't her first time seeing one in person but in that situation, she didn't have a clue where it came from.]
Hehe~ I think almost any guy would've been jealous of you in that situation. At least you still have the memories to go on. [she giggles softly.] I don't think I'd trade in the current you for any other.
He's pretty much a genius, I don't think there's much he can't do honestly. It's a pity there aren't more materials and things or I bet he could have made a lot of other things. If Haruhi's demands left him some free time, that is.
Those are certainly sweet memories to keep going on. One day I'll get a girl who won't need me to be a giant teddy bear to want to hug me... And who isn't old enough to be my little sister.
[The last part is added with a resigned sigh, after all there are girls who would hug him but mostly are too young, lolita jokes aside.]
But yeah, I wouldn't trade this me for any other, even if the Malnosso keep showing me possibilities.
[Keiichi, hopefully you won't mind her leaning against you, because she's going to start to do so, or try to.]
I'm sure you'll find someone eventually! Keiichi-kun is a good catch, I'm surprised you don't have more girls after you. [Minako adds a wink for good measure, laughing. When one was on a few hours of sleep, they didn't really think much of what they were saying.]
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