Alice's Adventures in Alice in Wonderland

Sep 30, 2011 00:46

Who: shadedsunlight, lostinmyway, so_shik, magicwarding, justicereigns, consultmybooks, folkloristic, and talontrot
What: Alice's first hand experience of Alice in Wonderland
When: Friday, September 30th
Where: All around Luceti
Summary: Alice, as Alice, explores the wonders of Luceti Wonderland and learns some valuable lessons in the end. But... not really.
Rating: A for Alice. (or R for language)
Darling, we're all mad here. )

[banjo kazooie] kazooie, [tales: legendia] grune, [oc] ginia solana, [twewy] shiki misaki, [btvs] rupert giles, [muhyo and roji] roji, !event, [one piece] smoker, [oc] helios sprensonne

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The Mad Hatter's Party shadedsunlight September 30 2011, 07:48:36 UTC
And it wouldn't be Alice in Wonderland without visiting the Mad Hatter, right? Alice smirks a little to herself as she comes upon the mad tea party, remembering and knowing a Hatter of her own back home, though less on the mad and more on the hats. And tea. Lots of tea there.


magicwarding October 1 2011, 03:55:48 UTC
And boy is it a party. Lost in time, this little patch of land in the middle of heavy woods (AKA the clearing behind CH7) is destined to be a tea party forever. A long table stretches out across the area, filled to the brim with various tea pots and cups, as well as cookies, biscuits, and whatever tasty treats you can think of that goes with tea. At the very end of the table sits a haphazardly-dressed Roji singing lowly to himself while pouring himself a cup of tea. However, that's not exactly Roji at the moment. Today, he's the Mad Hatter.

He takes notice of Alice almost immediately and shoots out of his seat. His large hat almost falls right off his head at the sudden movement.

"Ah, welcome, welcome! You're just in time for tea time!" He shouts, beckoning her over.


shadedsunlight October 1 2011, 04:07:11 UTC
Alice isn't the biggest tea drinker, it's more of a Giniaism, but it's an attractive party. She smiles at Roji and waves, approaching the table to look over all the treats. It's a nice little spread and she helps herself to a cookie, munching on it while she takes out her notepad and pen.

Looks pretty good. You prepare this all by yourself?


magicwarding October 1 2011, 05:47:54 UTC
Roji leans in close to the paper, squinting as if mulling over the words on it. He then looks up at Alice and smiles, nodding enthusiastically. "Yep. Wouldn't be much of a tea party without some good tea, treats and ambiance, right?"

Despite Alice not making a move for the tea, he starts pouring her a cup anyway. Except her cup has a big crack on the side, so a lot of the tea seeps out and onto the tablecloth. Roji doesn't take any notice to it and simply plops the pot down and sits back in his chair to attend to his own cup. "Drink up while it's hot!"


shadedsunlight October 1 2011, 06:27:02 UTC
Point made. Alice watches him pour the tea into the cup and subsequently on the table, quirking a small smile. Mad indeed. At least there's seemingly no shortage of tea in the village. She takes her seat and looks at the mostly empty cup, gently swishing the remaining contents around before taking a sip. Not bad. Not bad at all.

So you aren't all bothered by everything right now? Just all peachy?

Forgive her if she keeps the notebook back a bit further; wouldn't want to ruin it after all.


magicwarding October 1 2011, 07:14:31 UTC
After reading Alice's question, with a shrug he nonchalantly leans back and props his feet up on the table, causing the cups and plates around them to clatter. The rim of his hat slides down and covers his eyes for the time being. "I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about. Everything's how it always is." He readjusts his hat and takes a sip of tea. "Always has been."

He gave in a while ago.


shadedsunlight October 1 2011, 22:47:05 UTC
Alice stares a little longer before finish off the rest of her meager cupful and reaching over to steal another cookie. Fine. So everyone's just a little bit crazy and she's stuck in a fluffy dress with no direction. She can deal. She can deal with this. Just get to the end of the story, right? Find that happy ending of her's.

Alice steals a few more cookies and a tart for herself, wrapping up the goods in a napkin that's yet to become soaked by tea.

Kinda lonesome with a party of one. Two now, since I'm here.


magicwarding October 3 2011, 15:11:25 UTC
"I was supposed to have some company already, but they haven't turned up!" He looks rather miffed about it, considering how a the mad tea party isn't complete without all the original party-goers. "Don't suppose you've seen a hare and mouse around, have you? A bit mad, the latter sleeps a lot..."


shadedsunlight October 4 2011, 01:55:30 UTC
She shakes her head and shrugs.

Only seen a white rabbit around and I can't say I've seen any narcoleptic mice around. Maybe they'll show up?


magicwarding October 12 2011, 03:06:41 UTC
"I sure hope so. It's pretty hard to run a tea party all by your lonesome." He sighs, pouring himself another cup of tea despite still having about three other full ones. Taking a sip, he looks over to Alice curiously. "So, what brings you on this side of Wonderland?"


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