Alice's Adventures in Alice in Wonderland

Sep 30, 2011 00:46

Who: shadedsunlight, lostinmyway, so_shik, magicwarding, justicereigns, consultmybooks, folkloristic, and talontrot
What: Alice's first hand experience of Alice in Wonderland
When: Friday, September 30th
Where: All around Luceti
Summary: Alice, as Alice, explores the wonders of Luceti Wonderland and learns some valuable lessons in the end. But... not really.
Rating: A for Alice. (or R for language)
Darling, we're all mad here. )

[banjo kazooie] kazooie, [tales: legendia] grune, [oc] ginia solana, [twewy] shiki misaki, [btvs] rupert giles, [muhyo and roji] roji, !event, [one piece] smoker, [oc] helios sprensonne

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The Cheshire Cat shadedsunlight September 30 2011, 07:47:53 UTC
And just as a cat is not complete without a grin or what is a grin without a cat, how could there be Alice in Wonderland without the Cheshire Cat?

It's not her Cheshire Cat, the one Ginia grew up with and the one she got to know, but it'll do. Now if only that cat would appear...


so_shik October 1 2011, 08:11:24 UTC
But the cat wouldn't be the cat if she appeared right on time, and so it's only when Alice seems to be least expecting her that she'll appear, a broad grin stretching across her face in almost a smug fashion.

"Still curious and willing to learn?" she asked, tail moving behind her in a lazy wave. Though she had been another cat earlier this week, the Cheshire Cat didn't notice the difference. After all, everyone here was mad, why wouldn't she be since she was thinking such silly things.


shadedsunlight October 1 2011, 22:44:13 UTC
Appearing out of nowhere, that's something Alice needs to learn how to do. She quickly turns around to face the Cheshire Cat, giving a small frown, then shrugging it off.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind figuring out what the fuck is going on here. Seriously, this is really pretty bizarre, even with the standards here.


omg cata please forgive me and the fact I cannot play a decent cheshire shik ;; so_shik October 2 2011, 05:50:52 UTC
The Cheshire Cat doesn't seem fazed at all, moving to walk in a circle around Alice as she speaks.

"Ohhh? And since when are standards something to believe in here?"


Nonsense! you are wonderful. *rolls you up* shadedsunlight October 2 2011, 18:32:27 UTC
Alice turns with the Cheshire Cat as she moves around, always trying to face her. Unfortunately, it means her writing becomes a bit sloppier, but it's not like she'd be winning any awards in the first place.

Point. But come on, this is weird. This is Alice in Wonderland. It's a damn children's story. And I've got Grune walking around in a bunny outfit, which I am not complaining about. But it's weird.


ffff Catamariiiii so_shik October 2 2011, 22:49:49 UTC
"Weird is only as weird as you make it. And anyway, think of it this way. If you had to be stuck in a children's story, wouldn't you rather be stuck in this one? At least it isn't one where death's the ultimate answer." The Cheshire Cat pauses, examining her gloves that match her striped tights and the rest of her ensemble. Her tail flicks again, seemingly in a pleased manner.

"Besides, I kind of enjoy this outfit." So maybe the Cheshire Cat had her own things in mind. She stops circling Alice then, glancing over her shoulder briefly.

"Weird though it may be, what other option do you have now? Are you going to follow the rabbit for answers, or are you not?"


shadedsunlight October 4 2011, 01:19:21 UTC
Alice pauses to consider Cheshire's words. She does make a good point; no one dies in most clean versions. Sure, there are all the twisted, macabre versions that are popular, but this one seems to be the somewhat regular and slightly sanitized version. And there's also Grune in a bunny outfit, which does make up for a lot of things.

She gives a small shrug, looking over the Cheshire Cat's outfit. All right, it's pretty stylish. Her's isn't looking too bad either. Dress isn't her style, but... not bad.

I guess? I mean, story ends with the queen and all that, can't I just go there?


so_shik October 4 2011, 05:32:37 UTC
The cat had passed the rabbit on her way here, and even she had to admit that Grune was looking pretty good. And she's seen plenty of people in bunny suits. It comes with living with a Suzumiya. Still, she could only shrug as well.

"I suppose you could, but the storytellers would be displeased that the telling isn't following the story. You can't be in that big of a hurry anyway, otherwise it's off with your head."


shadedsunlight October 5 2011, 07:22:41 UTC
Alice grins wryly and rubs the back of her head, feeling a faint bruise back there.

I do like my head. All right, so I got to go to the next place. What direction, oh Cat?


so_shik October 5 2011, 15:12:09 UTC
"You can follow the smoke, or you can follow the steam." No, really, she'd also walked through a giant cloud of Smoker-smoke on her way here. And she knew that if this was the story of Alice, the Mad Hatter had to be here somewhere. "Do you crave enlightenment, or nourishment?"


shadedsunlight October 6 2011, 04:52:41 UTC
Smoke or steam... smoke or steam... enlightenment or nourishment...

She is a touch hungry right now, but enlightenment sounds like a possibility of information and getting out of here. Not to mention where there's smoke, there's probably Smoker.

How about information? Which way for that?


so_shik October 7 2011, 07:46:52 UTC
"It's that a way...or is it that a way? Does it really matter which way you go? Both ways are acceptable." She was actually having quite a bit of fun not giving answers, but her tail was giving it away, pointing back in the direction the Caterpillar was.


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