Who: Everyone on the draft
What: Day 3-5
When: August 27th-August 29th
Summary: Like it says above. The draftees reach the beach.
Once again,
That Handy Useful Information Link. Also a link to the
previous draft log!
The original hijacking crew are not, of course, obligated to stay aboard.
1) Perhaps your character is serving as relief crew on the ship, and is fighting Third Party attackers with her captain.
2) Your character might be one of many that Jack has requested to scour the captured Airship for any Third Party intelligence---maybe get some intel on who these Third Partiers are and why they want this cargo so badly.
3) STORM AT SEA: The airship is in peril. You're part of her crew. Are you panicking? Helping? Risking your life bravely for her crew or captain?
Aaaaand this storm is where the Elizabeth will be lost, sadly, just before reaching the beach. Her captain and crew will have to find a way back to the Cargo ship before they succumb to the sea and the monsters who dwell there. HAVE AT.]
She panted and scrambled to regain her footing in the soft, too-giving sand. Not again. Not another damned death in another stupid draft. She felt she ought to hit the waves and swim the whole goddamned length to get out there. Surely, he could be saved? But all that fire. All that wreckage. And all those Third Party foot soldiers creeping up like a ring around where the Slayer stood.
The initial spark of grief had distracted her long enough to allow an impromptu ambush and Buffy turned in a circle to see their faces and the whites of their eyes and the gleam of their steel. She'd made a big mistake, watching her pirate-captain fall instead of watching the treeline around her. But they had made an even bigger one. A Slayer was just another one of those creatures that fought even harder if cornered. Harder still if cornered and grieving.
The clash was long and primal and Buffy was more demon than woman. Tapping into that beast that the Shadow Men had forced into the First Slayer. In the end, Buffy came out the victor. She didn't feel it. Nothing felt triumphant about this.
Hours later -- out from the dark of the quiet, lulling night -- she trudged into the comandeered medical centre. She was hurt, certainly, but not beyond anything she couldn't handle. She just needed some bandages to encourage her own supernatural healing to get the job done quick and clean and fast. Then she could get back out there and exact a higher price for witnessing what she had to witness.
The price would never be high enough. Not after so much loss; still, the Slayer could try.
The Elizabeth.
"Bugger," Jack mumbled. He tried to move and then realized that both arms, his chest, his head, and one of his legs were heavily bandaged. The tent smelled like medicine and disinfectant. There was a slow dripping IV hooked into his arm, supplying some sort of not-rum fluid to his body. There was no pain, mercifully; just an itch on the end of his nose that Jack Sparrow could not scratch.
And that poor soul seemed covered in bandages, she thought. So Buffy crouched at the foot of Jack's bed -- Jack that she did not know was Jack -- and began pawing loudly through a small box of supplies. Gauze. Ointment. Little metal things to keep the bandages in place.
"'Allo? You think you could scratch a man's nose, mate? I'm a bit incapacitorial at present."
Very carefully, she shut the lid on the first aid box. Very carefully, she stood and very carefully she walked around to the pirate's side. Buffy didn't speak. Instead, she reached out and gently itched the tip of his now rather unmistakable nose. And she smiled.
A string of mumbled questions, and they barely scratched the surface.
Who had pulled him free of the wreck? How bad were his injuries? They felt bad. They felt very, very bad, from the little he could feel.
"Doctor McCoy alright? He here?"
She stopped scratching his nose and instead laid her finger gently on its tip. Too concerned to touch any other part of him -- she didn't want to cause any more pain.
Except: "I ought to slap you, you know."
"You alright?"
But her own relief overcomes her indignation. Quieter: "Is there anything you need?"
The fingers on his right hand were unscathed, and therefore unbandaged, and therefore twitching like mad.
"Water. You'll have it. I'll just be...hey, two shakes of a lamb's tail. Or even faster. One and a half shakes."
She stood.
Surely, the lamb's shaking tail didn't count if his being asleep pushed the time limit.
Rather than murmuring a quiet re-greeting, Buffy set to work at her original task. The only reason she'd come here in the first place. She folded the hem of her shirt up high and began to spread salve on the thin gash.
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