Who: Everyone on the draft
What: Day 3-5
When: August 27th-August 29th
Summary: Like it says above. The draftees reach the beach.
Once again,
That Handy Useful Information Link. Also a link to the
previous draft log!
Early in the morning on day 3, Archie is scrambling to help everyone shorten sail. The sun isn't even up and it's a race against time before the storm gets here. And hurrying means slipping is more likely, so he's having to accomplish this very delicately.
Later, he'll be leading a boarding party to take a large enemy ship.
For the rest of the draft, he'll be almost exclusively on Hornblower's ship, unless he's leading an attack on shore or another, less ambitious boarding. At night, he'll mostly be doing his thing of staring out to sea when he's not on watch or sleeping. Feel free to bug him, ask him questions, save his life, what have you.]
He is on a yardarm, precariously balancing on a footrope and helping to reef the sails. Every breath comes hard, and his is determinedly tying a knot around one section of the sail to keep it up. He's only on the mainsail of this mast, and already he is very aware of the height. And the possible fall.
But he steps over to the next footrope and hauls up sail there as well, glancing every so often at the other mast, where Archie and others are hard at work. Thank God, at least, neither of them are shortening sail alone. There is crew enough to help, even if Horatio would prefer quite a few more.]
After securing a knot, he raises his chin and calls out:]
I remember when you used to be SCARED of heights, Captain Hornblower!
But he does not answer what he would like, not since it would involve shouting. He will not let those under his command know that he is, in fact, quite afraid in his current position. They look to him for strength. That is part of his job. He will not give them cause to doubt him.
What he calls back-- after checking his footing and moving to the tie-- is:]
I do as my duty requires, Mr. Kennedy!
I hear one must always do what one dislikes!
[His purpose is specific--to jokingly remind him of a time when he was scared and stressed and still ended up okay. He moves on to the next knot.]
He gives a half-strangled laugh before he calls back, tying another knot.]
I believe I heard that once, from a friend!
[He starts to move on, nearly loses his footing, stops, and braces a hand tight against part of the sail.
Boy does his best to make it look like he's just double-checking the knot.
And he tries to sound at ease when he calls again.]
I do wonder about the wisdom of that statement, though!
There are still more above.]
I shall remember that, Mr. Kennedy!
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