Who: Captain Jack Sparrow, Sokka Thunderaxe, Glitch the Headcase, Suki The-Future-Mrs-Thunderaxe, Toph Bei Fong, Katie McCoy, Fox Mulder (possibly??? WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME IF THERE WAS FOX MULDER IN THIS???), OTHER RANDOM CHARACTERS WHO WANT TO TAG IN (Hornblower? Law? Summers? McCoy? McCloud?)
What: Hijacking one of
these. Because a pirate is a pirate is a pirate.
When: Day 2 of the Draft--Battle at Sea--Evening
Somewhere in the Ocean outside the BarrierSummary: Defending a Cargo Ship Turns Into Something
Much More BetterRating: H for Hijacking
Cutler Beckett's Mum chugged steadily on through the sea. Jack Sparrow rested his chin against her cold metal railing and stared moodily into the horizon.
This should be the cargo ship's name, he reasoned, because of her plain features and giant ungainly size. Long metal corridors. Luxurious, hotel-like quarters. Machine smells. Oil smells. Droids clanking about. It was true that the hold was brimming with highly interesting crates, but a man got thrown out on his face for daring to inspect or touch or trying to open them.
Barring the time he'd served on the Queen Anne's Revenge, this had to be the worst assignment the pirate had ever endured due to the sheer boredom and accompanying restlessness.
Two droid sailors clanked past, and Jack made a face at them; nearby, a group of noncombatants were huddled on deck, playing checkers. He made another face and turned back to watch the horizon. There hadn't been an attack since yesterday afternoon, and even that had been handily stopped by the two sailing escorts that plowed proudly through the waters on either side of Beckett's Mum. He could almost hear their fresh white sails snapping from here. He wondered what Kennedy was up to under Hornblower's command and scowled.
Oh, Norrington kept him running about on various tedious assignments, but without a ship to sail there wasn't a lot he could do. So Jack had settled himself the task of watching over noncombatants while trying to look like that was not what he was doing. And watching the horizon, of course. Watching it greedily: the blue, cloudless, lovely sky arcing over a choppy steel-blue sea.
The weather. The weather; we're in for somethin' nasty.
That was when he spotted it: something like a cloud and a balloon and a model ship, coming up astern and steadily gaining on them with the advantage of the wind. Quickly the pirate took out the binoculars that Buffy had gotten him for Christmas. He focused in and confirmed it: an enemy ship approaching. This one looked smaller than some of those that had attacked yesterday; not much larger than the
Interceptor had been, really.
That meant she was fast---a scout ship, likely. They wouldn't have much time, what with Beckett's Mum chugging along like a musk ox.
Mister Sparrow had to do his duty by Admiral James Norrington and sound the alarm. Get the signals sent up so that Law and Hornblower could take care of this approaching danger. Herd the noncombatants away from their checkerboard for the space of the battle.
.............Ooooor did he? They had capable people on this ship. People who could be spared for a bit of fun and profit. Pirate-y profit. Since when was he slavishly beholden to Admiral Norrington? Since when did Captain Jack Sparrow "check in" with an officer of the Navy?
Scurry, Jacky-boy, Teague whispered.
"Aye, dad," Jack replied as a feral grin crossed his face. "Think I just might."
[OOC: Feel free not to prose if you don't want to. I AM GOING TO. But you don't have to.
We can assume that after spotting the flying ship, Jack has gathered together the people on deck whom he thinks will make a good boarding party: Sokka, Suki, Toph (AIR IS NOT HER ELEMENT), Glitch (WHY), Mulder (MAYBE), and Katie. There is not a lot of time for strategizing. There is only time for action---the action of sneaky, subtle, sabateuring pirates.
I am assuming Sokka will be strategizing the ship's capture on the fly with Jack. I'm also assuming that Katie might help with glamors and that Mulder, Suki, and Toph will be all awesome covert-ops (MAYBE---IF THERE IS A MULDER. I DON'T YET KNOW.) Glitch will be Glitching and trying not to die, but once aboard he could be their mechanical genius who can help get control of the ship. Jack will run his
horrifying pirate boxer shorts up the mast to signal that they have successfully taken the enemy ship.
For the love of God, don't shoot them down from the sky. FRIENDLIES. THEY'RE FRIENDLIES.
Best bet? Players post with your character and indicate what they are doing in the action. Other characters can tag in, party-style. There can be threadjacking. GOOD LUCK GENTLEMEN. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU AND THE WIND ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK AND THE RUM NEVER GONE.]
ETA: Characters are not STUCK on this ship for the whole draft. Feel free to be elsewhere at other times. orz