"This time, if I can't win / Then I won't try to carry on"

Jul 10, 2011 18:12

Who: poppetry and vanityunbcoming. With a special guest appearance from meteorical later on.
What: A chance encounter.
When: Forward-dated to late night of the 12th.
Where: Will start at the bridge nearest house 15 and probably move into the woods from there.
Summary: All Xion wanted to do was go for a nighttime stroll when she couldn't sleep. She didn't expect to run into Vanitas, freshly returned from a mallynapping. Already emotionally unstable, Xion makes the wrong choice.
Rating: R for violence, eventually.

It was around midnight that Xion gave up on getting any sleep that night. This whole week had been exhausting, and even still she couldn't... She'd almost felt better after returning from her kidnapping, especially when she'd run into Giles and discovered he was fine, but...

... then Luke had come home. And he hadn't even known her name, much less...

With a sigh, Xion pushed out of bed and got to her feet. Without bothering to change out of her pajamas, Xion slipped on some sandals, and headed quietly out of the house. The old fashioned way -- no portals this time. She wanted to wander... without any real destination in mind. The night air was cool, a nice change after the previous day's blistering heat.

She did not bring her weapon. After all, why bother? She wasn't planning on being gone longer than ten minutes at the most. She just needed to get out of the house, clear her mind... then she'd be able to sleep. And so she strolled, aimless in the quiet Luceti night, eventually finding herself on one of the bridges. Not that bridge... right now, that bridge held too many painful memories. But she still liked to hear the gentle rush of the water beneath her, and so she clambered up onto the railing and watched the stars.

Unarmed, all alone, and off her guard. On any other night, that wouldn't be so bad, not for a short period of time. But tonight ... tonight was just not going to be her night.

(ooc; Prose for this intro only, the rest will be comment spam. vanityunbound will be used for icons!)

[kingdom hearts] vanitas, [kingdom hearts] kairi, [kingdom hearts] xion

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