Jun 17, 2011 17:15

Who: oneofsaya and you!
What: The big battle.
When: June 18th, afternoon.
Where: Anywhere.
Summary: Kusanagi has decided to go on a freaking rampage and will KILL YOU ALL. So, uh. I think it's a good time to make like Ike and fight for your friends.
Rating: M (for death and violence!)
dead, dead, dead, dead )

[eternal sonata] frederic chopin, [golden sun] amiti, [tales: legendia] grune, [dcau] batman, [tales: abyss] asch, [tales: vesperia] yuri lowell, [dcau] superman, [blazblue] noel vermillion, [btvs] rupert giles, [oc] helios sprensonne, [saiyuki] homura, [devil survivor] main character, [tales: abyss] luke fon fabre, [blazblue] v-13 (nu), [ff: iv] cecil harvey, [peacemaker kurogane] okita souji, [tales: vesperia] raven, [oc] robert hastings

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Later on? awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 00:58:03 UTC
[It's hard to miss all of the fighting going on in the village right now, even for someone who prefers not to wander around the village that much, like ν-13. But more important - at least for her - is the sudden spike of residual Azure energy that she's picking up. It feels similar to her own (and Ragna's) Azure Grimoire, yet a little... different.

And there's only one other person she's aware of who also seems to be in possession of some form of the Azure.

Taking care to conceal her presence as much as possible using a combination of a concealment ars and Kipinn's magic, the younger Murakumo will be carefully hovering through the village, on the lookout for that person: that is, Noel... or rather, µ-12.

Of course, for someone of the other Murakumo's caliber, it shouldn't be difficult to spot the silver-haired girl despite the ars she's relying on. The question is - which one of the two will notice the other first?]


Yes! oneofsaya June 18 2011, 01:28:20 UTC
[She's out to murder, and her senses are becoming more and more heightened by the second, looking for more people to dispose of. Her eyes are always trailing around, searching for any signs of life. At this point, Kusanagi has left nothing but a trail of destruction. Terumi would be proud if he saw this.

It's because of this reason that a strand of silver catches those soulless eyes of hers. How Kusanagi managed to miss this is beyond her... a concealment ars, perhaps?] New target detected.

[, this isn't someone new. For the first time, Kusanagi recognizes this person.] ... Dimensional boundary contact prime force No. 13... Nu, confirmed.


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 01:40:19 UTC
[It takes merely a fraction of a second for the girl's attention to shift to the source of that voice, the red lens of her visor immediately focusing on Kusanagi. has to be her, alright. But something's... different. That armor - it's like hers, yet somehow different. More... complete? Whatever it is, there's something about it that causes some sort of feeling to surface that she doesn't recognize right now; uneasiness, perhaps.]

...Target confirmed. Scanning complete. Processing...

[A short pause follow, though she soon begins to speak again, her voice remaining as monotone as always.]

Target identified as dimensional boundary contact medium No. 12, Mu. Target's threat level is SS.

[...Wait, wasn't it S in the past, not SS...?]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 02:15:33 UTC
[how can you call this complete Just like Nu, she will remain still for now, though if one thing is clear by this point, it's that the predecessor is far more hostile today than ever.]

Target identified as self. Threat level is SS. [Unblinking, unmoving.] is a predetermined threat. Termination is advised.


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 10:08:09 UTC
[this is a good question There's a short pause before the silver-haired girl continues to speak. It's hard not to notice the sheer hostility of her predecessor, especially considering the things the blonde is saying.]

Target determined to be hostile. Now engaging emergency auto-mode.

[She won't make a move to attack just yet, however, instead simply... waiting. Waiting for the other prime field to make a move first. With the difference in power compared to their past fights, not to mention the more obvious presence of the Azure as well as Kusanagi now wearing armor similar to her own, it's not impossible that her way of fighting may differ as well, so... for now, she'll let her make a move first, for the sake of either confirming or denying this possibility.]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 17:47:00 UTC
Switching to battle mode. [And just in time with Nu, she switches into her own version of the battle armor; something quite... different... from what Nu and Lambda usually wear.] Now proceeding to next phase.

[There is no trace of apathy in her mind; all she wants out of this is Nu's life. And given what she is in relation to her, it's something she won't relent on. She'll fight and fight and fight until one of them is dead.]


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 20:19:14 UTC
[So that's how it's going to be, is it? Fine. But ν-13 certainly won't be going down easily - she has no intention of dying at the hands of her predecessor. That is a fate she won't allow. Not now, and not ever.

For the time being, she simply dashes back a little to put a little bit of distance between the two, speaking to herself in the same emotionless voice as before.]

Restriction #666 released. Dimensional interference field deployed. Murakumo unit... activated.

[If the older Murakumo intends to fight, then she's not going to hold back.]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 20:55:45 UTC
[...] Threat level... steadily increasing. Overriding all power limitations. Releasing petals.

[But Nu, Kusanagi has no intention on the same happening to herself. Accept your fate, and let her incur the discord of chaos.]

...perish. [Here comes the moving orbs! Lasers fly from all sorts of different directions, and one even attempts to ram into Nu.]


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 22:09:40 UTC
[No no no no no no no. You accept that fate, Kusanagi. She certainly won't - not if she has any say in it.

...Laser-shooting orbs. That's new, and hardly a pleasant change for the silver-haired Murakumo. Normally, the blonde wasn't too much of a problem as long as there was enough distance between them, but this means that she won't be able to rely on that particular tactic too much. But that's fine. She's just going to have to improvise a little.

Attempting to both put a little more distance between the two and to evade the lasers, she'll be doing her best to dodge while stepping back further. It's not enough to get completely out of the way of the onslaught, and one of the lasers manages to graze her arm, but she pays it little mind; it's fairly minuscule damage at the moment.

The orb moving directly toward her will find itself greeted with the eight blades hovering at her back, now being used as a shield of sorts. While not enough to block the full force of it, it does manage to keep it from causing too much harm, at least.]

.. ( ... )


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 22:20:56 UTC
[So she's surrounded.

No problem. Having these powers comes with its benefits. Detecting the blades coming from all sides, Kusanagi summons her barrier, knocking away the blades before any blood can be shed.

With the threat of her drive blades temporarily gone, Kusanagi takes advantage of her distance by summoning her own blade from under Nu's feet. If Nu isn't careful enough, it should shoot her straight up into the air; right where Kusanagi wants her. She closes in the distance Nu had tried to hard to separate only moments ago and jumps after her, her own blades forming together as a single blade as she attempts to slash at her over and over again before knocking her back down.]


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 22:55:07 UTC
[Seeing as an attack from below was not exactly on the list of things she was expecting, no, she's not being careful enough - the blade connects, sending her up into the air. And that, in turn, means that the rest of Kusanagi's attacks will connect as well, as there really isn't much she can do to defend herself when that previous attack had just caught her off-guard.

...yeah. Down to the ground she goes. She won't be staying down for long, but for the time being, she does need a short moment to recover.]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 23:06:14 UTC
[Unfortunately, Kusanagi isn't going to give Nu the time. She races forward once the other Murakumo is down and actually kicks her up before attempting to slash at her again and again with those same blades before finishing it off with the... one in the icon. If this all works, it should send Nu flying.]


1/2 awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 23:18:03 UTC
[Seeing as she's still recovering, there isn't really anything ν-13 can do to defend herself right now. As such, the kick connects, as do the slashes, and thus she's sent flying...]


...2/4 :| awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 23:23:16 UTC
[...But this time, she recovers in time, landing on the ground - on her feet this time, rather than landing face first - and immediately dashes backwards again, distancing herself while speaking.]

...Damage within acceptable levels. Resuming attack. [The slash wounds may hurt, but it's nothing she can't manage; she's dealt with worse in the past. And as long as she can move, as long as she can still fight...]


awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 23:27:01 UTC
[...She won't give up. She won't. Certainly not against someone like her predecessor, someone whose mere existence is a violation.

Within mere moments, she lifts her arms above her head, momentarily remaining silent...]


4/4 awakenedchaos June 18 2011, 23:38:00 UTC

[With that one word, she swings her arms backward, leaning forward a little... and summoning a circular portal of sorts in front of her, that, within the blink of an eye, begins launching an entire barrage of blades toward the other Murakumo. Notably, a few of the blades are different: whereas most of them are little different from the ones she had summoned earlier aside from their shape, others seem to have had a little of Tsinku's magic used on them... that is, they're charged with electricity.

If normal attacks aren't proving to be all that effective, then perhaps it's time she resorted to something a little different. She hasn't had an opportunity to test this much yet outside of the battle dome, the previous draft aside, but considering how effective electricity is against her... this ought to be painful if it works.]


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