Two Hearts Beating

Jun 11, 2011 20:12

Who: vanityunbcoming and soracles
What: Follow up to this post.
When: Evening of Saturday, June 11th.
Where: Cherry Blossom Tree Hill.
Summary: Vanitas challenges Sora to another fight; Sora accepts.
Rating: G FOR GOOD FRIENDS WHO DO THINGS TOGETHER PG-13 for violence. Lots of violence.
One beats the other while the other just looks away )

[kingdom hearts] sora, [kingdom hearts] vanitas

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soracles June 12 2011, 01:31:58 UTC
For all of the resting from the draft and gathering his strength as much as he could, Sora was still... the tension gathered in his shoulders, made his back and limbs throb, his fist clench.

Stress wasn't exactly something Sora hid well, which was why he'd sought to fetch something to eat this evening-- it didn't seem like Vanitas to forget their little agreement, but he hadn't heard anything in a few days, either. Maybe he got caught up in something else, and he would have more time to be ready.

He was halfway through the plaza when he spotted the Prize Pod, and his stomach nearly dropped to his feet. That... Sora didn't know what it was, but he'd seen other monsters associated with Vanitas, fought them- whatever it was, he couldn't help but see it as a bad omen.

With the hair at the nape of his neck prickling, he gathered his nerves, summoned his Keyblade, and lifted the weapon to sweep harshly at the Prize Pod. Eliminate the thing as quickly as possible, and there would be less chance of him being caught off guard like lat


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 01:52:37 UTC
The Pod wasn't going anywhere, though, until it was sure it had Sora following it. Zipping to the side, the Unversed dodged Sora's first swing and hovered a foot higher, quickly circling around to his other side.

It couldn't attack back, but that was the point. It's mission was to catch Sora's undivided attention, and to do that it needed to lead him on for as long as it could.


soracles June 12 2011, 02:04:06 UTC
"-- Hey!"

Because yelling at it would get it to stop, Sora. He whirled around and took a wild swing at the creature, just trying to get a hit in at all. Undivided attention? The Prize Pod had it-- he wasn't about to let it escape, not when he didn't know what it was capable of, and when they were smack in the middle of town.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 02:10:04 UTC
--But it still wasn't going to let him get it, that easily. Sora was strong enough that just a few hits would deplete it's strength, entirely. Dodging the second attack by a hair, it then took off down the center of the plaza, flying high enough that it easily bypassed any other villagers who were out and about.

And it seemed to be headed north.


soracles June 12 2011, 02:30:01 UTC
... Sora wasn't one to just let a potentially hazardous creature fly off, even though there was likely a twinge in the back of his mind that knew exactly where this was leading. He'd chased monsters against his own better judgment and probably safety before, after all.

If it was north the Prize Pod went, then it was north Sora would go. He took off into a medium paced jog, his head tilted back slightly to keep an eye on the Prize Pod, and Keyblade hoisted across his shoulders.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 02:35:29 UTC
After it passes the plaza, the Prize Pod alters it's direction slightly and goes West. For a moment, it seems to disappear, before it reappears practically right on top of Sora. And this time, it's definitely within striking range.


soracles June 12 2011, 02:46:59 UTC
Perfect-- Sora took that blink of an opportunity to swipe at the Unversed as hard as he could, attempting to knock it down to a level where he could get a better shot. Just get the thing, Sora, and you can figure out a strategy from there.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 02:54:06 UTC
Smack! The Unversed went spinning end over end as the Keyblade finally caught it in the center of it's body. And as it did, the creature seemed to eject something onto the ground.

Was that a... soda bottle? It sure looked like it.

Tumbling back through the air before it righted itself again, the Pod then bounced as if in frustration over losing some of it's cargo, before zipping off again.


soracles June 12 2011, 03:03:10 UTC
... All right, then, it appeared Sora got caught up chasing a living vending machine. Nonetheless! He snatched up that soda bottle in one hand as he ran by, hopping a bit as he stuck it in one of the pockets on the side of his pants.

Hey, you never know what might come in handy later. Though, in that moment, as he resumed his steady gait, a twinge of worry caught in his chest. He wasn't worried about catching the Prize Pod anymore; he was worried about what he might find wherever he wound up.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 03:17:37 UTC
Before Sora could think too much, the Pod floated around a tangle of forest trees. And on the other side, there was a clearing with a gently sloping hill, the top of which held a clustering of cherry blossom trees.

With the flowering season over, there was no spectacular display of pink and white blossoms littering the area, but the trees themselves were healthy and green. And with the sun lowering on the horizon towards sunset, it could be picturesque at a different moment.

Once it reached the trees, the Prize Pod disappeared again--this time apparently for good. Surprisingly enough, the hill seemed to be unoccupied, as well. Maybe it was just a wild goose chase?


soracles June 12 2011, 03:30:49 UTC
Had it been any other moment at all, he would have stopped and gazed at the horizon-- it would have reminded him of home, how he used to sit and watch the sun dip behind the ocean and extinguish into night.

Right then, however, that tension was building up in his shoulders again, and Sora instinctively settled into stance, Keyblade gripped in both hands as he glanced around. He would... just check to make sure it really was empty here. And when it inevitably is, he'd head back home. Get back to dinner and his friends.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 03:44:03 UTC
Of course, it won't be that easy.

Sora's would have only been 'alone' for a minute--just long enough, maybe, to assume no one was there--before a voice speaks up from behind him.

"It's dangerous to go chasing after monsters, you know."


soracles June 12 2011, 03:54:47 UTC
For once, Sora didn't have a quip for that-- he simply whirled around, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the Keyblade tighter. His nervous exhale was a deep one, and fairly obvious.

Not that he didn't trust his own abilities. But after coming home completely wiped out from the draft, he trusted his stamina in battle a lot less, especially when he'd been idle in Luceti for so long. It may just prove to be his downfall.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 04:14:58 UTC
"...Not that I expected you to think before you acted."

Vanitas stayed where he was as Sora turned, standing so still he could almost be mistaken for a statue. While his opponent was on edge, all the dark apprentice seemed to project was an impenetrable air of calm.

More notably, though, was the fact that Vanitas' helmet was back. He'd managed to find it thrown into a miscellaneous, pile of items in one of the shops, about a week ago, but hadn't announced the discovery to anyone. Now that he had it, though, it reestablished some of the confidence he'd lost over the past three months.


soracles June 12 2011, 04:37:32 UTC
"You're the one who wanted a rematch," Sora shot back. If the way he was standing there was any indicator, he was all too ready to give Vanitas exactly what he wanted. The helmet back in its rightful place made things easier on Sora, too, truthfully-- he didn't have to look at that face staring back at him, almost mockingly. He didn't need the distraction.


vanityunbcoming June 12 2011, 05:07:42 UTC
"I do." Affirming that it was still on, Vanitas then raised a hand. A flash of purple light summoned Void Gear to his grip, which he then drew back.

So far, there were no tricks this time. No ambushes. But that should probably make Sora even more suspicious of what Vanitas had up his sleeve. "I just didn't think you'd come that easily. Not that I have any complaints."


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