"I'm still the same, pursuing pain./Is it worth all that I've gained?"

May 26, 2011 22:15

Who: burningdownfate and markofthebrave
What: Just a friendly match
When: Thursday, after dinner
Where: A friendly forest clearing by a friendly stream
Summary: It's the middle of a heat wave and tensions at home are rising. What better way to blow off steam?
Rating: PG for violence

Zuko helping Katara prepare dinner wasn't exactly uncommon, odd as it was for a prince to be getting his hands dirty in such a way. Zuko was, surprisingly enough, one of the better cooks in the house and she welcomed his help. His suggestion that they spar afterwards was equally welcome. Katara didn't like the heat, and the atmosphere in the house had become increasingly - awkward - in the evenings. She doesn't blame him for wanting to get out and she takes the fact that he actually asked for this as a positive step to renewing their friendship.

"This looks like a good spot."

It is a good spot, actually. They'd sparred here before, not that Zuko remembers. But it's far enough away from the trees that they won't accidentally get scorched, the grass is low and flat, and the stream bubbling to the left is a good source of water for her without being an overwhelming advantage.

"What do you think?"

[a:tla] zuko, [a:tla] katara

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