New Feather Party Madness

May 21, 2011 11:19

Who: Everyone and their Mom!
What: New Feather Party Shenanigans
When: Saturday Night
Where: Battle Dome
Summary: It's time for the bi-monthly New Feather Party! This time at the Battle Dome with a concert by the one and only Luka Megurine! Take a seat and watch the show or grab a bite and mingle with your friends. Luceti's gonna be noisy tonight and full of good cheer!
Rating: So G you'll get cavities by the time this is all done.


Everything was all set to go! The Battle Dome had been turned into the perfect concert hall thanks to the hardwork of everyone who had voluntered to help out. The decorations went up without a tee and the tables were well-laden with the food that everybody had so graciously offered to make. Selphie had taken it upon herself to abuse the vending machines in the Dome and had carefully lined the sides of all the tables with various types of drinks for everyone to choose from. The perky brunette knew that this was going to be one of the best New Feather parties they'd ever held. The crepe paper streamers brought quite a bit of colour to the otherwise metallic surroundings of the dome and it left her debating if they should leave them up. She quickly thought against the idea knowing that there were bound to be complaints about the Battle Dome being a place for training and not a place to hold regular parties.

She sighed lightly before twirling around in her yellow sundress and marching right over to the entrance of the Battle Dome as she opened the doors for everyone to enter and take their seats. When people entered, they'd notice the stage in the middle of the Dome. Adell and his volunteers had worked tirelessly on it and with a splash of colour from the decorating team, the stage was perfect and ready to go. The lights were checked, the speakers were in place and the mic was positions just waiting for Luka to grab it and dazzle everyone with her talents. To say that Selphie was excited about this concert was a bit of an understatement. It reminded her of the Garden Festivals from home as she waited for people to start arriving.

She knew that this night was going to be great for everybody. She knew that everybody in the village needed a chance to unwind a bit and this was perfect opportunity to do so.

[ooc: so despite the fact that I felt like writing instead of doing an action tag, this is a tag however you please type of event. Tag around, build some CR and have fun everybody!]
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