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Setup Crew! (friday night/saturday before the party) boomchucka March 19 2011, 19:23:32 UTC
[Selphie's gathered what decorations she could get her hands and has started arranging various piles of supplies for each group to use. She's excited that this party is going to happen and she'll do everything in her power to make sure that this is the best New Feather party to date.]


Tall-enough-to-hang-stuff-from-the-ceiling group? puppet_paladin March 19 2011, 20:24:17 UTC
[And here is Cecil, waiting patiently be the pile of decorations waiting to be hung.]

Should I put anything in the doorway? It would look very welcoming, but I'd not want it to block the door.


Re: Tall-enough-to-hang-stuff-from-the-ceiling group? boomchucka March 19 2011, 22:16:16 UTC
[Selphie pulls up three long strips off the pink, blue and yellow crepe paper and after finding the centre, she tapes the pieces together and hands it to Cecil.]

If we tape the centre of this to the middle of the doorway, we can let them loop loosely from the top and then hang down the sides from there.


Re: Tall-enough-to-hang-stuff-from-the-ceiling group? puppet_paladin March 20 2011, 01:17:19 UTC
That would look nice enough. Should I put up the same decorations around the windows?


because they needed to meet~~ falenandawn March 20 2011, 03:58:00 UTC
[Here comes Frey carrying another pile of decorations.] Oh, Ceo-


[When did Cecil get back what. He didn't even know with all the recent chaos.]


That they do!♥ puppet_paladin March 20 2011, 04:14:30 UTC
Oh, hello. Are you someone the previous me knew? A friend of Ceodore, perhaps?

[Since that was the first name he nearly called out and all.]


\o/ falenandawn March 20 2011, 04:16:46 UTC
Ah... Yes. I'm a friend of Ceodore and Selphie's. [Smiling slightly.] He didn't tell me you came back. Have you had a good stay?


_o\ \o/ /o_ puppet_paladin March 20 2011, 04:26:05 UTC
It is a pleasure to meet you, them. I'm glad Ceodore was able to make good friends in this world. [Smiles back.] I have, though finding myself mostly undressed in the middle of a forest was somewhat of a surprise. Luckily, everyone was quite friendly about it.


;;; /herpaderp notif came after THIS LONG falenandawn March 25 2011, 10:28:30 UTC
It's a pleasure to meet you again as well. Ceodore's a good friend to have.

Yes, that tends to be quite awkward for most who arrive. The Malnosso have an odd sense of humor.


...wow, LJ. wow. puppet_paladin March 25 2011, 17:00:09 UTC
I hope the two of you do not get into much trouble, with all the new experiences available here.

I've heard. Someone mentioned finding himself in a tree upon arrival. I was at least lucky enough to find myself near one of those watch stations.


The Almighty Tallest! cladinthedark March 20 2011, 07:16:02 UTC
[Over here, Golbez is still working on the decorations in the middle of the room.]

So long as it's high up enough, there shouldn't be any issues.

[He doesn't notice the strip of paper stuck to his helmet.]


boomchucka March 20 2011, 15:58:00 UTC
Hold still for a second.

[Selphie moves a chair up behind Golbez (because she's a beansprout) and pulls the paper off his helmet. She holds the strip out to him with a grin on her face.]

Unless of course... you wanted to be decorated.


puppet_paladin March 20 2011, 17:05:29 UTC
[...Dammit Selphie, Cecil had deliberately not been telling Golbez about that piece of paper- erm.]

Unless it blocks the whole view of the room. We'd not want to make any guests feel uneasy.


cladinthedark March 20 2011, 23:35:56 UTC
[Treachery, Cecil! /shakefist

Golbez gives Selphie a curious look.]

What is it you have... now how did that get on me?

[He ponders the paper for a moment before chuckling.]

I suppose I should pay more attention.


Setup Crew! notakor March 19 2011, 21:16:57 UTC
[Mikage's wandering around the rec center doing odd jobs, though his focus is more on the food table, rearranging it and probably doing his share of sampling.

Someone should probably step in before he eats all the packaged yakisoba foodstuffs he'd brought over. |D


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