We'll have to start this again, right?

Mar 14, 2011 01:58

Who: not_a_bluesbro and gunsnpudding
What: They've got a little bit of talking to do. About... ha, everything that matters.
When: the night Milly arrived
Where: In the apartment
Summary: Wolfwood helps Milly adapt to Luceti while addressing some... pretty painful memories from home, in all likelihood.
Rating: Should be PG |D

Wolfwood wasn't sure how to make the right words form, in response to all of this. Sanji told him she would be glad to see him and he knew that would be true, though he also knew that it would be a bittersweet thing, coming back together. Because he was still dead and buried elsewhere. It's hard to really grasp that reality when it isn't reality at all in this place. But right now? It was best to just count his blessings. He knows that.

Quietly, he returns to the living room with a cup of coffee for himself and a warm cup of hot chocolate for her. After supplying her a mountain of blankets and praying mentally that she wasn't about to come down with something because of those shitty Malnosso. It wasn't unusual for the apartment to be silent before him. So why was it so different now, to him?

"Meryl and Vash'll be back in a little bit, so it looks like it's just you and me for now."

He sits down beside her, offering the warm drink with a little smile. A tiny bit forced, but no less genuine.

"...I wasn't really sure were to begin, telling you all this."

[trigun] milly thompson, [trigun] wolfwood

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