
Nov 04, 2010 00:01

Who: cry_camellia and bullet_dance
What: "TSUBAKI!" "NOEL!" "TSUBAKI!!!1" "BOEL!!!!!"
When: November 4th, afternoon.
Where: Probably the eastern forest.
Summary: Tsubaki didn't take the experiment very well.
Rating: PG, possibly PG-13? For a fight, it probably won't be too bad. :| Also, BlazBlue spoilers within if you're trying to avoid them.
Fighting game characters doing what they do best. )

[blazblue] tsubaki yayoi, [blazblue] noel vermillion

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cry_camellia November 4 2010, 07:19:25 UTC
[It's quiet. Too quiet... except no. There's actually a cape blowing rather noisily in the wind. Noel should have noticed it by now. Perhaps she doesn't want to notice it.]


[Are you sure you want to head back, Noel? Isn't it fun out here?

Isn't it fun?]


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 07:28:58 UTC
[If the cape doesn't catch her attention, the lingering feeling that someone, somewhere, is watching will. She stops short, looking at her surroundings nervously. No one in sight.

Or is there?

Turning her head to look behind, she sees someone in that all-too familiar Zero Squadron uniform. There's only one person in all of Luceti who's a part of that squad, and it's...]



cry_camellia November 4 2010, 07:34:08 UTC
[The girl removes her executioner's mask. After all, the conviction comes from within. She glares at Boel Noel with eyes that almost glow with fury and perhaps even madness.

But she has yet to move.]

Noel Vermillion... This has gone on long enough.


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 07:44:24 UTC
[And neither has she. Noel thinks she understands what Tsubaki means, but simply running away isn't the first thing on her mind. She had hoped that somehow, Tsubaki would decide on her own to just... stop this. Apparently, time hasn't fixed anything.]

Tsubaki... you're still...?


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 07:49:58 UTC
What? You hoped it would all just go away? [Tsubaki lowers her head.]

So did I, for a time... But now I'm thinking clearly once more. And I know that there's no other way.

[Now she begins to approach. Each step slow and deliberate, evident of a determination that no longer wavers.]


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 07:59:34 UTC
[Really, really not wanting to fight, Noel begins to back away; her steps quick and hastier than the other as she tries to think of something to say that would calm Tsubaki down if only a little.]

Wait! Please, just wait! [Think, think, think--] Th-The NOL's rule isn't bound by Luceti! You don't need to do this! We don't have to fight!


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 08:09:26 UTC
[There's nowhere to run, Noel. Tsubaki maintains her pace.]

It's not just the rule of the NOL that you have violated. Your existence itself... that is what condemns you.

[She stops and her eyes narrow.]

My duty to deliver justice is not limited by jurisdiction.


1/2 bullet_dance November 4 2010, 08:12:21 UTC


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 08:21:03 UTC
[...She knows.

She knows.

Those words make Noel stop short as she stares hopelessly at her friend... if that still is her friend.]

...no. Tsubaki, no!


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 08:30:31 UTC
[Oh, please. Not the waterworks.]

...No? What is it that you're trying to say?

[About the determination no longer wavering... that was sort of a lie. Her ears are ringing with the echoes of voices telling her to end this -- to end the nightmare, once and for all. What Captain Hazama told her... what the Halloween visions told her... what even Izayoi seemed to be telling her... was that Noel had to die.

But despite it all, there's something almost instinctive that forces her to hold back as Noel makes that face. They'd been best friends once. And Tsubaki would have reprimanded even Jin for making Noel cry. Now here she was, doing just that, weapon in hand.]


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 08:37:41 UTC
[Clearly, that face of hers is her best weapon. Especially during a situation like this.]

I don't want this to happen. I don't want to fight you anymore. [Unaware of what she's doing, she's just... going to keep on doing it, really.]


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 08:44:19 UTC
[Clearly. But it's still not quite enough. Tsubaki pauses -- WHICH SHE DOES SO INFREQUENTLY.]

Noel... [I don't want to fight you anymore either.] I will end this quickly.

[She shuts her eyes and focuses on Izayoi. Her whole body begins to glow as the light of their surroundings is absorbed, stolen. A field of darkness encircles the two of them.

This execution will not be witnessed.]


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 08:52:43 UTC
[Unlike a certain Major, Noel hadn't yet experienced this. Needless to say she's a bit taken aback by Tsubaki's power. And, of course, scared.] W-What the--how did you--!?


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 08:59:31 UTC
I knew I'd need the Izayoi to defeat you. With this field in place, there shall be no escape. [For either of us.]

You needn't be afraid... I'll give you time to pray. [And with those words, Tsubaki begins charging Izayoi. She knows she doesn't have much time; her eyes are already feeling the strain.]


bullet_dance November 4 2010, 09:06:07 UTC
[...There's really no stopping it, is there? Tsubaki, she doesn't want to fight you, but...even in a place where she can be resurrected the next week, she still doesn't want to die.

To think that she'd already have to use Bolverk; on her, no less.]

Tsubaki... I'm sorry.


cry_camellia November 4 2010, 09:15:51 UTC
[Irrelevant. Tsubaki shakes her head. Save it for the jury, Noel... oh wait. There isn't one.

With blade in hand shall she carry out your sentence. Tsubaki lunges forward swiftly.]


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