Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Oct 30, 2010 22:21

Who: Everybody!
What: The Halloween Ball is finally here.
When: Evening of October 31st. (Or earlier, for those who arrive pre-Ball to take advantage of the safety bubble.)
Where: In the village's main plaza.
Summary: After one of the most grueling weeks Luceti's ever known, it finally all comes to a head when a massive, spooky tent appears over the plaza. Once night falls, you never know what might happen...
Rating: Anywhere from PG to R for language or graphic descriptions, most likely.

It happens at midnight.

Without even a hint of a whisper, faster than you can even blink, the tent appears; a towering monstrosity of dirty, ripped canvas in stripes of black and red and white, swallowing the plaza whole. For most of the day it sits, silent and empty, with its great main flaps pulled open to show only inky blackness inside.

Step inside, however, and you'll see it's dimly lit with silver shafts of light that streak in through all those rips and tears. As foreboding as it appears, it's strangely peaceful inside.

Come 7:00 on the dot, that quiet, empty interior will instantaneously transform for the purposes of the evening. Even this sudden change, unlike many Luceti resident have undergone lately, is not as eerie as one might expect. Despite the gothic trappings, the blood punch fountain, there's something a little benign about it. Perhaps this is meant to be a reward for all that suffering you've been forced to endure for almost a week now.

Or maybe -- just maybe -- and who would ever think such a thing? -- it's not so benign after all.

(so, so sorry this is late, guys. have at it, comment-spam style! also, optional suggestion: put the time of day in your subject line title so we know if your character is showing up before or during the Ball itself.)
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