Who: Tom Riddle (
hereisariddle), Narcissa Black (
sweetcissy), and a bit of Harry Potter (
What: Tom and Narcissa decide to take a visit to the House of Personas
When: October 27th
Where: The House of Personas in Luceti Land
Summary: Tom and Narcissa have taken it upon themselves to explore Luceti Land. The House of Personas is no exception, and what awaits them may come as a bit of a surprise.
Rating: PGish? PG-13 at most.
When Narcissa had invited Tom to come with her to Luceti Land, he had been searching for an excuse to make himself go. Amusement parks were a Muggle thing, and as such, he had suppressed his curiosity and kept himself from acting on it. When Narcissa showed up at his doorstep, she had offered him just the excuse he was looking for - after all, she was just as pureblood as he claimed to be, and almost as biased - and thus, he took it. Now, the majority of Luceti Land had proven to be rather uninteresting; attractions such as The Dunk Tank and Twilight Horse of Horrors failed to bring him the amusement the park's nature had promised him. The roller coasters, on the other hand, he rather enjoyed.
But none of the above mentioned attractions could have possibly prepared him for what lay in store in the House of Personas. When Tom entered the building, he wasn't sure of what to make of it. A hall full of mirrors was a bit of an odd sight. He waited, however, for his companion of the day to join him before he began his investigation.